Scene 275 维修(在线收听

Scene 275 维修

❶ 我买了一本汽车维修手册。I bought a manual of car repairs.

对话 A: I bought a manual of car repairs. 我买了一本汽车维修手册。

B: Do you plan to repair your car by yourself? 你打算自己修理汽车吗?

A: Why not? 为什么不呢?

❷ 你能把这个刮痕除掉吗?Could you remove this scratch?

对话 A: Could you remove this scratch? 你能把这个刮痕除掉吗?

B: No problem. 没问题。

❸ 我需要给我的车打蜡。I need to wax my car.

对话 A: How can I help you, Sir? 先生,您需要什么帮助吗?

B: I need to wax my car. 我需要给我的车打蜡。

❹ 可能是引擎坏了。Maybe the engine is damaged.

对话 A: Maybe the engine is damaged. 可能是引擎坏了。

B: Is the problem serious? 问题严重吗?

A: It's hard to say now. 现在还不好说。

❺ 请帮我检查一下胎压。Please check the tire pressure for me.

同类表达 I've got a flat tire. 轮胎没气了。

The tire needs some air. 这个轮胎需要打气。

❻ 我的车油不够了。I haven't got enough oil.

同类表达 I think the car is out of oil. 我觉得车没油了。

对话 A: I haven't got enough oil. 我的车油不够了。

B: Let's go to the gas station. 咱们去加油站吧。

❼ 我的车需要保养。My car needs a tune-up.

对话 A: Where is your car? 你的车呢?

B: My car needs a tune-up. So I sent it to the car factory. 我的车需要保养,所以我把它送回汽车工厂了。

❽ 我的车现在车况依然不错。My car is still in good shape now.

同类表达 My car is working well.

对话 A: My car is still in good shape now. 我的车现在车况依然不错。

B: Your car's maintenance is very good. 你的车维护得不错。

❾ 修这车花了我不少钱。It cost me a lot of money to repair it.

对话 A: Your car looks great after the inspection! 你的车检修后看起来很好!

B: Well, it cost me a lot of money to repair it. 是啊,修这车花了我不少钱。

❿ 这项费用算进保险费。The insurance covered the fee.

对话 A: Why are you so happy? 你怎么这么高兴?

B: The insurance covered the fee. 这项费用由保险承担。
