Scene 288 买免税品(在线收听

Scene 288 买免税品

❶ 你能告诉我最近的免税店在哪儿吗?Could you tell me where the nearest tax-free shop is?

❷ 在免税店买东西真划算。It's a great deal to buy something in the duty-free shop.

同类表达 The price of the items in the duty-free shop is a real bargain. 免税店的商品价格真实惠。

❸ 请问,这是免税的吗?Excuse me, is this tax-free?

对话 A: Excuse me, is this tax-free? 请问,这是免税的吗?

B: Yes. But you have to show me your passport. 是的。但是您得出示一下您的护照。

❹ 请出示您的护照。Show me your passport, please.

同类表达 Here is my passport. 这是我的护照。

❺ 任何人都可以在免税商店购物吗?Can anyone buy goods in duty-free shops?

这样回答 No. You have to show your passport to the shop assistant. 不行,你必须向售货员出示你的护照。

❻ 在买名牌上你能给我些建议吗?Could you give me some advice on buying the brands?

这样回答 It's a matter of preference, actually. 实际上这是个人喜好的问题。

❼ 请问我带免税烟酒的限额是多少?What's my duty-free wine and cigarettes allowance?

这样回答 One person could buy 200 cigarettes and two bottles of wine. 每人只能买200支香烟和两瓶酒。

❽ 哪些商品可以在机场免税店买到?What kinds of goods are available in duty-free airport shops?

同类表达 Can I buy cosmetics in duty-free stores? 我能在免税商店买化妆品吗?

对话 A: What kinds of goods are available in duty-free airport shops? 哪些商品可以在机场免税店买到?

B: You can buy some famous perfume. 你可以买些有名的香水。

❾ 请问你能告诉我如何办理退税吗?Can you tell me how to draw back the duties, please?

同类表达 I want to know the procedure of tax-refund. 我想了解一下退税的程序。

❿ 这是您的退税单。请保存好,先生。Here is your tax-refund form. Please keep it, Sir.
