Scene 290 沟通(在线收听

Scene 290 沟通

❶ 我法语说得不流利。I can't speak French fluently.

同类表达 I don't know how to speak French. 我不会说法语。

My spoken English is not fluent. 我的英语口语不流利。

❷ 我需要一位会说法语的导游。I need a guide who can speak French.

同类表达 I'd like to have a French interpreter. 我想请一位法语翻译。

I'd like a French-speaking guide, please. 我想请一位会说法语的导游。

❸ 别人听不懂我说话。I can't make myself understood.

同类表达 He doesn't understand me. 他听不懂我说话。

I can't get him to understand me. 他听不懂我说话。

❹ 我没太听懂你在说什么。I didn't quite get it.

同类表达 I didn't quite catch that.

I don't understand you.

I don't totally understand that.

❺ 我不知道这用英文怎么说。I don't know how to say it in English.

同类表达 I can't express it in English.

❻ 英文管这叫什么?What's this called in English?

同类表达 How do you say this in English?

这样回答 It's called hamburger. 这叫汉堡包。

❼ 您能慢一点说吗?Can you speak a little slower?

同类表达 Would you slow down, please?

Will you speak a little more slowly?

❽ 请你用简单一点的措辞好吗?Could you use an easier expression?

同类表达 What did you say? 你说什么?

❾ 请您再说一遍行吗?Would you please repeat yourself?

同类表达 I beg your pardon?

Could you repeat it?

❿ 请仔细听我说。Please listen to me carefully.

对话 A: What did you say just now? 你刚才说什么?

B: I will say it again. Please listen to me carefully. 我会再说一遍,请仔细听。
