Scene 330 选课(在线收听

Scene 330 选课

❶ 这门课程好像很难,我觉得我不会喜欢的。This course seems pretty hard. I don't think I'll like it.

同类表达 This course is too difficult for me. 这门课程对我来说太难了。

❷ 我该如何退课呢?How do I drop a course?

同类表达 Can I quit the course once it get started? 一旦开课了我还能退课吗?

I'd like to drop my history course. 我想退掉我的历史课。

❸ 网上有课程信息吗?Is the class information online?

对话 A: Is the class information online? 网上有课程信息吗?

B: Yes, you need to register first. 有,你得先注册。

❹ 这学期你选修了多少门课?How many courses did you register for this semester?

这 样 回 答 I registered six courses including four compulsory courses and two optional courses. 我选修了六门课,包括四门必修课,两门选修课。

❺ 选课截止到哪一天?When is the deadline for choosing courses?

同类表达 Today is the deadline to register the course. 今天是课程报名的截止日。

Today is the last day of the course registration. 今天是课程报名最后一天。

❻ 我对好几个专业感兴趣,我还没做最终决定呢。I am interested in several majors, and I haven't made a final decision yet.

❼ 可以给我一张课程表吗?Can I have a timetable?

同类表达 Do you know what class it is on Monday morning? 你知道周一上午上什么课吗?

❽ 学生必须从基础选修课中得到六个学分。Students must take six credits from the basic elective courses.

同类表达 It is required that students must take eight credits every semester. 要求学生每个学期要修满八学分。

❾ 你这学期上什么选修课?What electives are you taking this semester?

同类表达 What course will you take this semester? 这学期你上什么课?

How many courses did you register for this semester? 这学期你选修了多少门课?

❿ 我主修教育学,辅修新闻学。I major in Education and minor in Journalism.

这样提问 What is your major? 你的专业是什么?
