Scene 337 校规(在线收听

Scene 337 校规

❶ 这里的校规太严格了。The school regulations are too strict here.

对话 A: The school regulations are too strict here. 这里的校规太严格了。

B: That's right. But you have to adjust yourself to it. 确实如此,但是你必须适应。

❷ 我们可以偷偷溜出教室。We can sneak out of the classroom.

❸ 这样会被留校察看的。This is worth a detention.

同类表达 You're expelled. 你被开除了。

❹ 如果我们违反校规,会被记过的。If we violate the school codes we will get black marks.

❺ 我们学校严格禁止使用书面或口头的种族言论。Use of written or oral racial expressions is strictly banned in our school.

❻ 访客是否需要向校务处出示其身份证?Do visitors need to show their ID card at the school office?

同类表达 It is to insure safety of our students. 这是为了确保学生的安全。

❼ 他违反了校规,被严厉批评了。He broke the school regulations and was severely criticized.

同类表达 I think you need to go to the counseling office. 我想你需要到辅导室去。

❽ 我们学校不允许学生染发。Students in our school are not allowed to dye their hair.

对话 A: This hairstyle looks fabulous and fashionable. How about dying one? 这个发型看起来很漂亮也很时尚,染一个怎么样?

B: Students in our school are not allowed to dye hair. 我们学校不允许学生染发。

❾ 我们必须遵守校规。We have to obey the school rules.

同类表达 All students must conform to the rules. 所有的学生都必须遵守校规。

Observe the school disciplines and come to school punctually. 遵守校规校纪,准时到校上课。

❿ 我们会给你一个书面警告处分。We'll give you a written disciplinary warning.

同类表达 The student received a severe warning for cheating in the terminal examination. 这个学生因在期末考试中作弊而受到一次严重警告处分。
