Scene 340 假期(在线收听

Scene 340 假期

❶ 这个假期我准备去徒步旅行。I am going backpacking during this vacation.

对话 A: What's your plan for this summer vacation? 暑假有什么安排吗?

B: I am going backpacking during this vacation.这个假期我准备去徒步旅行。

❷ 我已经做好了暑假计划。I have already had plans for summer vacation.

同类表达 I think I will start doing some research for my thesis. 我想我要开始为论文做些研究。

❸ 学校从今天开始放假。The school starts its vacation today.

同类表达 I've just got a part-time job offer. 我刚得到一个兼职工作的机会。

❹ 我已经开始期待下一个暑假了。I am already anticipating the next summer vacation.

同 类 表 达 They can get some work experience which is as valuable as their academic achievement. 他们由此可以获得和学习成绩一样宝贵的工作经验。

❺ 什么时候放假?When is the vacation?

同类表达 How soon will your vacation come?

When will you have the vacation?

❻ 我虚度了大半个假期。I spend most of my vacation doing nothing.

同类表达 I idle away most of my vacation.

Most of my vacation is wasted.

❼ 盼望已久的假期终于要来了!The long-awaited vacation is finally coming!

❽ 学校昨天公布了寒假通知。School gave us notice about winter vacation yesterday.

同类表达 The teacher's announcement for school holiday was met with shouts and cheers. 老师宣布了学校放假的通知,受到了大家的欢呼。

❾ 我将好好利用假期在城镇周边游玩。I am going to take advantage of my holiday to have a tour around the town.

同类表达 During my vacation, I plan to enjoy the beautiful sights of my hometown. 假日期间,我打算好好欣赏下家乡的美景。

❿ 你假期想去哪里旅游?Where would you want to travel during the vacation?

同类表达 Do you have an ideal place for vacation? 你有度假的理想地吗?
