Scene 358 谈论工作(在线收听

Scene 358 谈论工作

❶ 我正忙着找工作。I'm busy with job seeking.

同类表达 I'm busy with hunting for a new job. 我正在忙着找工作。

I'm looking for a new job. 我在找新工作。

❷ 我已经失业半年了。I have been out of work for half of a year.

同类表达 The government should try to create more job opportunities. 政府应该设法创造更多的就业机会。

❸ 现在工作真的很难找。It's really a hard time to find a good job.

同类表达 It's lucky to have a job these days. 这年头有工作就算幸运了。

I'll get a good offer for certain. 我一定能找到一份好工作。

❹ 你工作找得怎么样了?How is your job-hunting going?

这样回答 I haven't found a suitable job. 我还没有找到合适的工作。

I just started looking for jobs one week ago. 我一个星期前才开始找工作。

❺ 也许你可以试试网上的求职网站。Maybe you can try job sites on the internet.

同类表达 It's an easy and effective way for finding a job. 这是既简单又有效的找工作的方法。

❻ 我有个朋友的公司在招人,我可以把你推荐给他。I know a friend's company is recruiting people. I can recommend you to him.

这样回答 You're really helpful! 你真是帮了我的大忙。

❼ 你的工作薪水高吗?Does your job pay well?

同类表达 What's the salary? 薪水多少?

What's the benefit package like? 福利待遇如何?

❽ 我很喜欢我的工作,因为可以经常出差。I like my job because I get to travel a lot.

对话 A: Tell me something about your job. 和我聊聊你的工作吧。

B: I like my job because I get to travel a lot. 我很喜欢我的工作,因为可以经常出差。

❾ 我两年前经过商。I was a businessman two years ago.

对话 A: I was a businessman two years ago. 我两年前经过商。

B: Really? Why did you give it up? 真的吗?为什么不干了呢?

❿ 我以前干过类似的工作。I have done something like that before.

对话 A: I am a shop assistant. 我是一个售货员。

B: I have done something like that before. 我以前干过类似的工作。
