Scene 387 待遇(在线收听

Scene 387 待遇

❶ 你期望的起薪是多少?What starting salary would you expect to be paid?

同类表达 How much would you hope to make here? 你希望自己在这里能挣多少钱?

❷ 我希望每月不少于5 000元。I should expect no lower than 5,000 yuan a


同类表达 I think the starting salary is between 7,000-8,000 yuan . 我想起薪是7 000到8 000


❸ 你现在的薪水是多少?What's your salary now?

同类表达 How about your present pay? 你现在的薪水如何?

❹ 关于薪水,请检验本人能力后再由您定夺。Regarding the salary, I leave it

to you to decide after experience of my capacity.

同类表达 I leave it to you and I am sure you will give me a reasonable amount. 就请您来决


❺ 我想问一下我的试用期工资是多少。I want to know the wage in my

probationary period.

这样回答 Would you consider a starting salary at 3,000 yuan ? 你认为起薪3 000元怎么


❻ 我可以了解一下贵公司的福利待遇吗?Could I have some ideas of your

benefit provisions?

这样回答 There are four weeks' holidays a year, besides the public holidays. 除公共假日以


We offer 2% commission on all your sales. 对你的销售额我们将给予2%的佣金。

❼ 员工享受带薪假期吗?Do the employees enjoy paid holidays?

这样回答 Every employee receives two weeks' paid vacation a year. 每个员工每年可享受


❽ 节假日有什么福利吗?Is there any benefit we can get in the holidays?

这样回答 We offer a gift or allowance on every national holiday. 每逢国家节假日,我们都


❾ 正式聘用的话,薪金方面还可以商量。Salary can be negotiated once we

officially offer you the job.

同类表达 Raises are given according to your performance. 会根据你的工作表现加薪。

❿ 我们一开始不会给到那么多,你会很在意吗?How concerned would you

be if we didn't start you off that high?
