Scene 400 成绩(在线收听

Scene 400 成绩

❶ 在上一季度里,公司取得了骄人的业绩。The company has got a favorable achievement for the last quarter.

❷ 去年的销售额比我们预计的要好。The sales figures for last year were better than we expected.

同类表达 The sales last year dropped slightly. 去年的销售额略有下降。

❸ 这个项目的成功对我们公司的业绩有着很大的影响。The success of this project had great impact on the company's achievement.

❹ 约翰因业绩突出获得了丰厚的奖金。John was rewarded with substantial bonus for his outstanding work.

同类表达 You've done a terrific job. 你工作很出色。

We are very pleased with your work. 我们对你的工作非常满意。

❺ 他没能达到每周的销售目标。He failed to meet the weekly sales targets.

同类表达 He has never done this before. 这活他以前从没做过。

The results we produced were worse than expected. 我们创造的业绩比预期还要糟糕。

❻ 我们的销售额达标了,客户反应也好。Our sales reached the target and the customers' reaction was good.

同类表达 We manage to meet the customers' needs. 我们成功地满足了客户的需求。

The customers were quite satisfied with our products. 客户对我们的产品非常满意。

❼ 我很高兴地告诉你,我达到本季度预期的量了。I'm happy to tell you that I have reached our predicted quota for this quarter.

❽ 经理会在今天晚些时候公布第二季度的业绩。Our manager will release the second-quarter results later today.

同类表达 We've worked out the sales for this year, and the results are rather disappointing.


❾ 增加15%销售额的目标根本不可能实现。It is impossible to achieve the goal of a 15% increase in sales.

❿ 利润在营业额中所占的百分比比去年上升了12%。The profit, as a percentage of turnovers, is up 12% than last year.

同类表达 The profit is up 7% than forecast profit. 利润比预计高出了7%。
