Scene 492 订货(在线收听

Scene 492 订货

❶ 你们想订购多少?How many are you interested in ordering?

同类表达 What's the quantity? 数量是多少?

这样回答 We want to make a trial order for 100 units. 我们想试订购100件。

❷ 贵公司一个订单的最低订货量是多少?Could you please tell me the minimum quantity required in an order?

这样回答 The minimum quantity required is 2,000 units. 最低订货量是2 000件。

❸ 我们有大量库存。We keep a large supply in stock.

这样提问 Do you have any in stock? 你们有现货吗?

❹ 我们想要下单订购500台电脑。We want to place an order with you for 500 computers.

同类表达 I'd like to place an order for a number of your new products. 我们想要订购一批你们的新产品。

❺ 我们的存货有些不足。Our inventory is running a little low.

同类表达 I am sorry to inform you that the product you ordered is currently out of stock. 很遗憾地通知您,您定购的产品目前缺货。

❻ 我们将全力以赴完成你们的订单。We'll do all we can to fulfill your order.

同类表达 We'll be able to complete production within one month. 我们能在一个月内完成生产工作。

❼ 我希望订单源源不断。I hope this order is followed by many other orders.

同类表达 If the goods sell well, we will give you larger orders in the future. 如果销售情况良好,将来我们会给你们下更大的订单。

❽ How many sets of this type of washing machine do you intend to order? 这种洗衣机您想订购多少台?

❾ 这是试购单。This is a trial order.

同类表达 I'd like to place a trial order for 200 units. 我想试购200件。

❿ 若不能立即发货,我们将取消订单。Either the delivery is immediate, or we'll cancel the order.

同类表达 How long will it take to get these products? 多长时间可以收到货?
