Scene 494 包装(在线收听

Scene 494 包装

❶ 这批货既昂贵又易损。These goods are very expensive and easily damaged.

同类表达 Different articles require different forms of packaging. 不同的商品需要不同的包装。

❷ 这种物品易碎,请使用结实的包装。As this article is fragile, please use durable packing.

同类表达 The packaging must be strong enough to bear rough handling. 包装必须十分坚固,以承受粗暴的搬运。

❸ 通常,包装费用应由买方负担。As a rule, the buyer should bear the charges of packaging.

同类表达 Generally speaking, buyers bear the charges of packaging. 包装费用一般由买方负担。

❹ 很多饮料使用纸听装。Many kinds of drinks are packed in paper tins.

同类表达 The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation. 外包装应足够坚固,才适合运输。

❺ 包装的关键在于防潮。The crux of packaging lies in protecting the goods from moisture.

❻ 按你方要求,所有箱子都包装得很牢固。All the cases are strongly packed in compliance with your request.

同类表达 The outer packing in bales or in wooden cases is at buyer's option. 外包装打包成捆还是使用木箱,由买方选择。

❼ 内包装必须有吸引力,且有利于销售。The inner packaging must be attractive and helpful to the sales.

同类表达 The inner packing should be with a little bit of flower design. 内包装上应该带一点花卉图案。

❽ 请在外包装上标明“小心轻放”字样。Please mark the word“Handle with Care”on the outer packaging.

同类表达 Each case is lined with foam plastics to protect the goods against press. 箱子里垫有泡沫塑料以免货物受到挤压。

❾ 我要最经济的包装。I want the most economical packing.

同类表达 You told me that you wanted the most economical packaging. 您之前跟我说要最经济的包装。

❿ 我们同意用纸箱做外包装。We agree to use cartons for outer packaging.
