英语名篇诵读 我们是谁?(在线收听

Who Are We?


Ralph Waldo Emerson(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生)

The Time is the child of the Eternity . The main interest which any aspects of the Times can have for us, is the great spirit which gazes through them, the light which they can shed on the wonderful questions, What are we? And whither we tend? We do not wish to be deceived. Here we drift, like white sail across the wild ocean, now bright on the wave, now darkling in the trough of the sea;  — but from what port did we sail? Who knows? Or to what port are we bound ? Who knows? There is no one to tell us but such poor weather-tossed mariners as ourselves, whom we speak to as we pass, or who have hoisted some signal, or floated to us some letter in a bottle from far. But what know they more than we? They also found themselves on this wondrous sea. No; from the older sailors, nothing. Over all their speaking-trumpets, the grey sea and the loud winds answer, Not in us, Not in Time.

