英语名篇诵读 幸福的20个要素(在线收听

Twenty Key Elements of Happiness


There is no magic formula for happiness but if certain key elements are in place, happiness will follow.

1. Happy people tend to have close and supportive family and friends, whereas those who

do not have close friends or family are more likely to be dissatisfied.

2. When a person enjoys his or her work and thinks it is meaningful and important, they are usually happier.

3. “Tidy up ” your life. Sort out your desk, tidy a cupboard, throw away old newspapers.

Clearing and sorting can make you feel happier and calmer.

4. Satisfaction can be increased if people have fulfilling spiritual lives.

5. Health is the most important — if you are not in good health you cannot enjoy your happiness. Eat well and exercise regularly.

6. It is important to remember that you can change things that make you unhappy.

7. Having, and living with, a loving partner who you respect and who feels the same wayabout you is very important.

8. Having children can increase your happiness. Thinking about the happiness of someone else, rather than your own, can be fulfilling. 

9. Smiling will make you, and others, feel happy.

10. Be confident and assertive — make it clear to others what you want.

11. Make others feel happier by giving compliments. Making someone else feel happy will make you happy in turn.

12. Giving small presents to others and seeing the happiness it brings will give you a great sense of satisfaction.

13. Giving money or time to charities is a good thing to do, and will give you a sense of self-worth.

14. Spend time in the countryside and by the seaside.

15. Every month, forget the daily routine and try to think about the bigger picture. Take time to think about your future and what you want from life.

16. Reading can be fulfilling — you will increase your knowledge and interests.

17. Listening to music can help to calm you and bring feelings of happiness.

18. Treat yourself to something special once a month — such as going to a restaurant or to the theatre.

19. Take regular breaks from work — go on holidays to different countries or different partsof your country.

20. Do something new, such as visiting a museum, going to see a musical , learning a new skill such as rock climbing or starting a new course at college.


1. 幸福的人往往有关系亲密、给予帮助的家庭和朋友,而没有这种亲密朋友或家庭的人更容易不满意。

2. 一个欣赏自己的工作,认为该工作有意义又很重要的人,通常更幸福。

3. “拾掇”好你的生活。清理写字台,整理橱柜,扔掉旧报纸。清除和整理能够使你感到更快乐,更平静。

4. 丰富的精神生活会增加满足感。

5. 健康最为重要——如果身体欠佳,就无法享受幸福。吃好点,常锻炼。

6. 重要的是要记住,你可以改变使你不快乐的事情。

7. 有一个爱你、尊重你、和你情投意合的伴侣同你一起生活,十分重要。

8. 有孩子可以增加你的幸福感。考虑他人的幸福,而不是自己的,会令人满足。

9. 微笑可以使你自己和别人感到快乐。

10. 要果断自信——向别人表明你的所欲所求。

11. 给予赞美,使别人感到高兴。使别人高兴,反过来也使你自己高兴。

12. 送给别人小礼物,看到礼物带来的快乐,将给你很大的满足感。

13. 为慈善事业捐钱或花时间是件好事,这会使你意识到自己的价值。

14. 在乡间和海边消磨一些时光。

15. 每个月,忘掉日常例行事务,尽力去思考更宏大的远景。花点时间想想自己的未来,想想生活中你想要得到什么。

16. 读书是令人惬意的——你能够从书中增加知识和兴趣。

17. 听音乐能使你心灵平静,给你带来幸福感。

18. 每个月给自己一点特别的享受——比如去餐馆或上影剧院。

19. 定期放下工作休闲——去国外或本国不同的地方度假。

20. 做点新鲜事,比如参观博物馆,去看看音乐剧,学一种新技能,如攀岩,或开始学一门新的大学课程。
