
61. I pretend to give him the cold shoulder.


give someone the cold shoulder 是"冷落某人"之意,此处的 shoulder是由从前对讨厌的客人露出肩膀,表示厌恶引申来的.

cold turkey 是指"冷漠的人".

62. I played the field. 和很多异性交往.

相反的,如果"只和某一特定对象交往"时,则说:go steady.

I fly into a rage. 很生气

rage 是"盛怒"之意. fly into raptures 是"兴高采烈".

I assume a defiant attitude. 采取倨傲的态度.

63. I suggest we make a clean break.


夫妻或情侣要分手时,也可以用 break up 表示.

64. Being a tutor for slow learners is really a drag.


Being....是用动名词为主语的句型. tutor 是"家庭教师,(英国)大学的导师".

slow learner 是"反映迟钝的学生", drag 是"累赘"之意. 反过来说 Being a tutor for quick learners is duck soup/a soft job. 是(作为头脑灵敏学生的家庭教师真情松).

65. That guy has connections in lots of shady jobs.


此处的connections 是指"关系,门路,社会关系"等义.

shady 是"可疑的". He has powerful connections in the

publishing world 是(他在出版界有强而有力的社会关系).

After all, connections talk. 是(终究还是有门路才行的通).
