美联社新闻一分钟 2008-05-12(在线收听

1. President Bush says the federal government will offer all possible assistance it can to states affected by the latest round of severe weather. Tornadoes and storms are being blamed for at least 23 deaths in three states including at least 14 in Missouri.

2. Media in Myanmar are reporting that the death toll from the cyclone last week has jumped to more than 28,000 but aid groups are warning it could be a much larger humanitarian catastrophe. Today a Red Cross boat carrying rice and drinking water for cyclone victims sank. The ship was the first Red Cross shipment into the disaster area.

3. Mother's Day is not a day off for Hillary Clinton. The former First Lady and her daughter Chelsea campaign today in West Virginia. Clinton is in need of a big win there on Tuesday to keep her campaign afloat. But political analysts say even an overwhelming triumph is unlikely to close the gap with Barack Obama.

4. And the White House has released these pictures of Jenna Bush's wedding. Bush and Henry Hager, her beau exchanged vows last night in Crawford, Texas. President Bush is praising his new son-in-law as a quote "really good guy" .


1. afloat: adj.

If a person, business, or country stays afloat or is kept afloat, they have just enough money to pay their debts and continue operating.  

2. triumph: n.

an important victory or success after a difficult struggle. 

3. son-in-law: n.

the husband of your daughter.
