美联社新闻一分钟 2008-05-21(在线收听

1. Senator Ted Kennedy's doctors say he will stay in Massachusetts General Hospital for the next few days as they plan a treatment course for his malignant brain tumor. Additional testing is expected to determine the specific type. The average survival rate ranges from less than a year for the most advanced cancers to about five years for slower growing tumors.

2. More dramatic video of China's devastating earthquake has surfaced. That as officials raised the national death toll to more than 40,000 people. Chinese officials say the relief efforts are shifting from searching for survivors to caring for the injured and homeless.

3. It's turned out to be a smoky day across parts of Florida where dozens (of) wildfires are still burning. Officials say most of the fires are around Lake Okeechobee and along the coast in Brevard County. Another large fire is burning in the Everglades.

4. The American Council for the Blind has won another round in its six-year legal fight with the Treasury Department. A federal appeals court in Washington, D. C. has ruled the government discriminates against blind people by printing paper money that is impossible for them to read.


1.malignant: adj.

A malignant tumour or disease is out of control and likely to cause death.

2.Everglades: n. 大沼泽国家公园

an area of low, wet, warm land in the US state of Florida, covering about 5000 square miles. The Everglades, which is a National Park, is famous for its special plants and animals, especially alligators(短吻鳄).
