美联社新闻一分钟 2008-06-04(在线收听

1. Barack Obama has effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination. Based on an Associated Press count of convention delegates, Obama has enough to become the first black candidate ever to lead his party into a fall campaign for the White House. The Illinois senator is also picking up the endorsement of former President Jimmy Carter.

2. Hillary Rodham Clinton has reportedly said she is open to being Barack Obama's vice presidential candidate. The comments were made on a conference call to New York lawmakers. Clinton is addressing supporters tonight in New York after the South Dakota and Montana primary results come in.

3. Reunions continue today in Texas for polygamous families and their children. Child welfare officials say most of the remaining children will be out of foster homes today. Although some parents are being told they may have to wait a few more days.

4. President Bush has honored the University of Kansas basketball team. The president met with the 2008 NCAA champs at Rose Garden ceremony. KU pulled out the title for the first time since 1988 when the team was last lauded at the White House.


1. open to:

If you are open to suggestions or ideas, you are ready and willing to consider or accept them.

2. laud: v.

If people laud someone, they praise and admire them.
