美联社新闻一分钟 2008-06-13(在线收听

1. A group of Boy Scouts have been praised for coming to each other’s aid after a tornado struck their western Iowa camp. Four young men were killed, and nearly 50 others were hurt, 14 of them remain hospitalized. The teens were attending a week-long leadership training camp when the twister struck last night.

2. And parts of the Midwest have been swamped by flood water. Thousands of people have been evacuated as severe thunderstorms hit already flood-ravaged places. More than a half of Iowa’s counties have been declared state disaster areas.

3. Another setback for the Bush administration. The Supreme Court ruled the government is violating Guantanamo Bay detainees’ rights by holding them indefinitely and without charges. President Bush says he'll abide by the High Court's decision.

4. There is word a European brewer has offered 46 billion dollars to buy Anheuser-Busch, the maker of Budweiser, Bud Light and other brands. The news helped give Wall Street a rebound but stocks turned mixed late in the day.


1.Boy Scout

A Boy Scout is a boy usually 11 to 18 years of age, participating in the worldwide Scouting movement.

2. setback [countable]n.

a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were
3. detainee [countable] formal n.
someone who is officially kept in a prison, usually because of their political views
4. brewer [countable]n.
DFD a person or company that makes beer
5.Anheuser-Busch 安海斯布希
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. operates the largest brewing company in the United States in volume with a 48.8% share of beer sales.
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. (ABC) is the holding company of Anheuser-Busch, Incorporated (ABI), a beer brewer. The Company is also the parent corporation to a number of subsidiaries that conduct various other business operations.
Bud Light 百威淡啤
in sports, refers to the ball becoming freely available after a failed attempt to put it into the goal
8.mixed adj.
