美联社一分钟新闻 2008-07-21(在线收听

1. As he met with the president of Afghanistan, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama promised vigor in the

fight against terrorism. Obama is on an international trip that will take him to Iraq, the Middle East and Europe.

2.Republican John McCain took in a Yankees game with the former rival for the nomination, Rudy Giuliani. In response

to a question from the Oakland A's manager, McCain said "running for president is like being in AA baseball, and all of

a sudden, you're playing in Yankee Stadium".

3.Tropical Storm Cristobal is dumping heavy rain on the North Carolina coast. It's expected to leave behind several inches of rain. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Dolly has formed in the western Caribbean.

4.China enacted tough new rules Sunday designed to cut down air pollution ahead of the Summer Olympics in Beijing. Cars are only allowed to be driven every other day. That's supposed to reduce the number of cars by more than one and a half million each day.


 1. take in: 观看

2. Oakland A's : n.

abbreviation of Oakland Athletics 奥克兰运动家队

3. AA baseball:

美国AA级棒球联赛,在那里的球员都以进入职棒大联盟(Major League)作为奋斗目标。

