AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-08-17(在线收听

1. Russian forces are pulling back from a town near Georgia's capital. That action comes after Russia's president signed a ceasefire deal earlier today. However other Russian troops remain entrenched in Georgian territory.

2. Florida has declared an emergency as Tropical Storm Fay nears. The storm is currently headed toward Cuba and could strike Florida as a Category 1 hurricane as early as Monday.

3. A top ruling party official is giving Pakistan's president a two-day deadline to quit or face impeachment proceedings. However allies of Pervez Musharraf say he won't step down and is ready to fight the charges.

4. The Jamaican lightning Bolt has struck in Beijing. Usain Bolt crushed the world record as he sprinted to gold in the 100-meter dash. His 9.69 mark earns him the title of world's fastest man.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
Merriam-Webster Online

1. entrenched:  adj.
strongly established and not likely to change - often used to show disapproval.
2. sprint:  v.
to run very fast for a short distance.
