AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-10-26(在线收听

1. Illinois police are still searching for the seven-year-old nephew of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson. An AMBER Alert was issued for him after Hudson's mother and brother were found slain. Police have a suspect in custody.

2. In a scramble to lock up the West, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is mocking rival John McCain for trying to distance himself from fellow Republican President Bush. McCain is touting his Western ties and warning that Obama is a tax-and-spend threat to the nation.

3. President Bush is offering reassurance and asking for patience in his weekly radio address. He says the government bailout plan needs time to take hold. Bush is hosting a meeting of world economic leaders next month and says he's confident that the global financial situation will brighten.

4. Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader is hoping his campaign run makes the record books. He's attempting to set a Guinness World Record for the most campaign speeches in a day, at least 315 minutes' words. It's the first time the record has been attempted.


1. nephew: n.

the son of your brother or sister, or the son of your husband's or wife's brother or sister.

2. scramble: n.

a situation in which people compete with and push each other in order to get what they want.

3. distance: v.

distance yourself (from sth)
to say that you are not involved with someone or something, especially to avoid being connected with them.

3. take hold:

to start to have a definite effect.

