AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-11-05(在线收听

1. Barack Obama received thunderous applause as he walked on stage in Chicago after receiving enough votes to become America's first African-American president. Obama told supporters his campaign victory is the answer for those who still have doubts that all things are possible.

2. Speaking in Phoenix, Arizona, Senator John McCain conceded the presidential race to Obama and congratulated the Illinois senator on his historic victory. McCain urged his supporters to put aside partisan differences and work to get the country moving again.

3. There were long lines at many polling places around the US Tuesday. But for the most part, voting seemed to go smoothly. Electronic machine glitches forced some voters in New Jersey to cast paper ballots. And heavy rain plunged a few Los Angeles polling places in the dark but the voting didn't stop.

4. Barack Obama's Kenyan family erupted in cheers as the Illinois senator became the first African-American elected president. In the village where Obama's late father was born, police tightened security to keep hordes of media and onlookers from entering the rural homestead of Obama's step-grandmother.


1. glitch: n.

a small fault in a machine or piece of equipment, that stops it working.

2. horde: n.

a large crowd moving in a noisy uncontrolled way.

3. onlooker: n.

someone who watches something happening without being involved in it.

4. homestead: n.

A homestead is a farmhouse, together with the land around it.

