AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-01-16(在线收听

1. A US Airways jet has crashed into the Hudson River right next to Manhattan. Passengers were forced out into the freezing waters to escape. Officials say it went down right after taking off.

2. Roland Burris is officially a US senator. He was sworn in this afternoon to fill President-elect Barack Obama's seat. Democrats initially turned him away after he was appointed by embattled Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, but now they say they never had anything against him personally.

3. Obama's pick for attorney general is already signaling plans to chart a new course in the fight against terrorism. Eric Holder today forcefully broke from the Bush administration by declaring that waterboarding is torture.

4. No, Obama hasn't taken over the Oval Office early. You're looking at a wax figure of the soon-to-be president that was unveiled in Germany.


1. chart: v.

to make a plan of what should be done to achieve a particular result.

2. course: n.

the general plans someone has to achieve something or the general way something is happening

3. waterboarding: n. 水刑
