AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-02-07(在线收听

1.Senate moderates continue to work behind closed doors, trying to trim down the economic stimulus package. The group of 20 Republicans and Democrats is trying to cut 100 billion dollars from President Barack Obama's plan. It now tops 937 billion dollars.

2.The unemployment rate is expected to jump today when the Labor Department releases its latest numbers. The new jobless rate is expected to be 7. 5%, up from 7. 2%. If the forecast is on target, it will be the highest rate in 17 years.

3.Olympic gold medalist Micheal Phelps has been suspended for 90 days by USA Swimming after a picture surface showing him using a marijuana pipe. Cereal maker Kellogg also has said it will not renew its sponsorship contract with the swimmer.

4.A pilot and five passengers had to swim to safety after the pilot guided the plane into a harbor in Australia. It's not clear why but the plane started experiencing engine trouble shortly after take-off.


1.moderate: n.

someone whose opinions or beliefs, especially about politics, are not extreme and are considered reasonable by most people [≠ extremist, hardliner]

2.USA Swimming: n.

USA Swimming is the national governing body for competitive swimming in the United States.
