时尚英语话题 13(在线收听

   13 Asking questions
  Knowing how to ask questions is so important. I usually start an English class by writing questions on the blackboard, with words like who,what,when,where,why,how and which.
  The most simple conversation is made up of questions, for a conversation to take place,for it to flow smoothly, questions are needed. Questions are like spark that light the fire,questions are like the gas that keeps conversation moving,questions are like the steering wheel that allow you to move your conversation car in any direction.
  Is there something you want to know ? or to be curious about how things work?I think humans are eternally curious, we want to know about things.My youngest child has a favorite word-why.He always asks questions,sometimes his questions drive me crazy:why do we have to go to school?why do we have to wear shoes?why no so big?
  ah, I answer as much as I can. Sometimes I wish you would not ask so many questions,but I am going out of having burning sense of curiosity, then the world has wonder,and it is wonderful.
  Questions are the key to good communication and great conversation.Do you want to know the best question I have asked?Twelve years ago, I asked someone this question, and I am so glad she answered yes. The question, are you sure you really want to know?It was: will you marry me?Now I am happy .
  Talk about it:
  1)Is it easy to ask people questions?
  2)Have you ever asked someone a question and then should
  3)Have you ever been really happy that to ask a question?
  4)Has a question ever prevented a big misunderstanding for you?
  5)Are you a curious person?
  6)If you are curious about something,do you try to get an answer?
  7)What do you do when you ask something and you don't want answer?
  8)There was expansion,"curiosity kills the cat",what do you think it means?do you agree with it?
