CNN 2008-10-11(在线收听

Hello, I’m Melissa Long, here’s at the CNN Center in Atlanta. It’s Friday, Oct. 10th. Here’s a look at some of the stories happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

Yesterday’s massive sell off on Wall Street rolled around the world, to send overseas markets plummeting today. In Europe all of the major indices pegged significant losses. Japan’s Nikkei index lost nearly 900 points or more than 9.5% of its value. It is Nikkei’s biggest one-day loss since the crash in 1987.

President Bush once again tried to calm the panicked markets today. Speaking from the White House this morning, the president of the government is moving aggressively to address the nation’s financial problems. The president also said the government's rescue plan will take time to begin working. He assured the American people that they can be confident in their economic future.

And with the financial markets in turmoil, the Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is meeting today with finance ministers and central bankers from the G-7 Group of industrialized nations. They are discussing ways to solve the current global financial crisis. Waiting for a joint statement that is expected some times this afternoon, now was on Wednesday, major central banks around the world agreed to a coordinated rate cut in an attempt to ease the worries in the global markets.

Pakistani officials say a suicide bomber has attacked a meeting of anti-insurgent tribesmen. Police said the blast killed 18 people and wounded more than two dozen others in the tribal area of Western Pakistan. Investigators say the bomber entered the gathering where tribal leaders were discussing forming a militia to take on the Taliban. The Pakistani government has been encouraging the leaders to build local resistance in areas along the border with Afghanistan.

Finland’s former President Martti Ahtisaari is the 2008 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. He earned this award for his tireless work for peace in every corner of the globe. Ahtisaari says his greatest achievement is the role he played in Namibia’s independence.

And that is a look at some of the headlines making news at this hour. Do stay with CNN and for more on these stories or other news of the day.
