CNN 2008-10-22(在线收听

Hello. From the CNN Center in Atlanta. I'm Naamua Delaney. It is Tuesday October 21st. And here are some of the headlines at NOW IN THE NEWS.

Oil and gas prices are down and the dollar is higher against rival currencies, however, stocks have been sliding low after yesterday's rally of more than 400 points. The Fed is trying to ease the market, saying it'll buy commercial paper from money market mutual funds. Commercial paper is a short-term funding mechanism many companies use for day-to-day operations. Also investor fears appeared to be easing as frozen credit markets begin to thaw.

Voting problems are popping up in Florida sound like deja vu, people waited for hours yesterday as early voting began. Not only did some counties see a record turnout, there were problems with vote scanner machines and with voter identification machines. Florida secretary of state says the lines are sign of a healthy democracy.

President Bush wants developed countries to keep their promises to poor nations, he's speaking this hour at a day-long summit on international aid. The President is also advocating increase trade with developing countries. The Washington Summit brings together representatives of nations that receive US aid faith-based groups and private and public leaders from the US and from the developing world.

It is hard to believe this long draw-out battle for the White House draws to a close just two weeks from today. For John McCain and Barrack Obama there are still a lot of grounds to cover. McCain's got 3 rallies today in Pennsylvania including 1 next hour in Harrisburg. From Pennsylvania it is onto New Hampshire for the Republican candidate. For Obama, it's all about Florida today. The Democratic candidate cast a rally in Miami coming up a bit later. Florida with 27 electoral votes may be the biggest toss-up state left on the map. After his stops there today Obama heads to Virginia.

Just when hundreds of people stopped celebrating a big lottery win, the state of Virginia said, "not so fast". A computer glitch left more than 600 people thinking they each won thousands of dollars. Turns out officials claimed the winning tickets were misprints, lottery officials are talking with this state Attorney General about whether it will award people the big money. 

Well that is a quick look at what is making news this hour. Do stay with CNN for more on these stories and the other news of the day.
