美联社一分钟新闻 2009-03-05(在线收听

1.A new survey by the Federal Reserve says the economy has gotten even weaker in the last two months, and the outlook for quick recovery is bleak. Still the Dow made up some ground today taking back some of what it had lost over the past week.

2.President Barack Obama is approving an order aimed at overhauling what he calls a “broken” government contracting system. He and others are proposing new rules dictating how the government awards contracts for private sector work.

3.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is chastising Israel for destroying Palestinian homes in Jerusalem. She visited the West Bank today and said such action doesn’t promote the peace process.

4.Believe it or not, this man somehow survived this horrendous collision between a truck and a train in Turkey. The truck bed actually swept over him, leaving him only with minor injuries.


1.overhaul: v.

to change a system or method in order to improve it

2.dictate: v.

to tell someone exactly what they must do or how they must behave

3.chastise: v. formal

to criticize someone severely

4.horrendous: adj.

frightening and terrible [= horrific]
