
Lesson 50 The Boxing Announcer’s Script 拳击解说员的广播稿



contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的;n. 同代人,同龄人


contemptible adj. 可鄙的,令人轻视的


contemptuous adj. 藐视的,傲慢的


contender n. 竞争者;争夺者


content n. 内容,容量;adj. 满足的


contented adj. 满足的,心安的


contention n. 争论,争辩;争夺,竞争


context n. 上下文,语境


contiguous adj. 接近的,接壤的


continent n. 大陆


continental adj. 大陆的,大陆性的


contingent adj. 可能发生的,偶然的;依条件而定的


continuation n. 继续,延长


continuity n. (时间或空间上的)连续性,连贯性


continuum n. 连贯统一体;一系列


contour n. 轮廓;周线,等高线


contract v. 收缩;定契约,立合同;n. 契约,合同


contraction n. 缩短,收缩


contradict vt. 与。。。矛盾,同。。。抵触


contradictory adj. 反对的,矛盾的


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the fight that will determine the heavyweight champion of the continent.


In the end corner is a contender from outside the continental United States. You can tell he is a rude and contemptible man by the content of his hostile comments. However, he claims that he is actually a gentle person with a contemporary attitude. He asserts that the media quotes his words out of context to make him look bad. Judging by his size, I don’t think anyone would dare to contradict him. Physically, he has the contour of a huge body builder. Tonight, he can earn as much as $500,000 under his fight contract. However, these earnings are contingent upon whether he wins the match. Some say that he won’t be contented unless he wins by a knockout.


In the blue corner is the current champion of the contiguous 48 states. He really wants to win the continental title tonight. He says he wants to maintain continuity between the two titles because they are both part of the continuum of world-class titles. The current champion is usually a very friendly person. However, tonight, he is a contemptuous fighter. He says he’s tired of the challenger’s contradictory statements. You can bet that his aggression will be focused on the challenger tonight.


For several months, both men have been in vicious contention for the continental title. Tonight is a continuation of their brutal dispute. So, let the battle begin!








