
Lesson 51 At the Convention 在会上


contrary adj. 相反的,对抗的

contrast vt. 对照之后的悬殊差别/对比,对照

contravene v. 违反,抵触

contrite adj. 悔悟的,悔罪的,痛悔的

contrive vt. 设计,发明;设法

controversial adj. 引起或可能引起争论的

controversy n. 争论,辩论

convention n. 会议,传统

conventional adj. 传统的,习俗的

converge vi. 聚合,集中于一点,会聚

conversant adj. 亲近的,熟悉的

conversation n. 会话,非正式会谈

converse vi. 谈话,交谈

conversion n. 转变;改变信仰

convert vt. 转换;转变信仰

converter n. 炼钢用的转炉;转换器

convex adj. 凸出的

convict vt. 证明。。。有罪,宣判。。。有罪

conviction n. 确信,深信,坚信

convincing adj. 令人信服的,有说服力的

“Tom, are you enjoying the automobile convention?” I asked. Tom did not answer. He was too busy conversing with the pretty salesgirl sitting next to him. “I hate to break up your conversation, Tom, but I really need your help. I’m not conversant with the theory behind this new fuel converter. What causes the conversion and why does it have a convex casing?”

“I’m not sure how it converts fuel to energy,” Tom replied with a contrite smile. “But their salesgirls are very convincing.” Tom returned his attention to the attractive young salesgirl.

Contrary to popular belief, attending an automobile convention is hard work. I say this with conviction. In contrast with Tom’s goals of socializing, I contrive to learn new and complex things. Some of the brightest inventors converge at these automobile conventions. I enjoy listening to them discuss the latest controversies. I love it when they argue about how to replace conventional technology. I’ve heard some convincing arguments in favor of converting to electric cars. However, it is still a controversial issue. One thing is for true. We will not be seeing any electric can in our lifetime.

“Hey, Tom,” I whispered, rather harshly. “Come on. You’re 75 years old and you can barely walk. She’s only 20. You conduct contravenes the rules of etiquette!”

“I don’t care!” He snapped back in a shaky voice. “Convict me if you want, but I’m only guilty of true love.” The salesgirl smiled politely.

“Oh, no, not again!” I said, shaking my head with a smile.






