
  194. The rural life乡村生活 rumble-sanctuary
  The rural life is the life for me. I like living out in the wide-open spaces where you can smell the fresh air and see the beautiful grasslands. I like seeing lightning flash and hearing the rumble of thunder. I like watching the cows ruminate in the pasture, often with saliva dripping. The farm life is simple, unlike the city where you are met with a sally of buses and cars everyday, but there is lots of hard work. Here are a few salient samples of what I mean:
  Milking cows every morning involves squeezing their utters to release the milk contained in the milk sac. A saline solution needs to be prepared for the cows as their salinity has to be maintained, but they can’t receive too much salt, or else the saltiness of their milk will be too high. Feeding the chickens is something else that must be done each day. You have to get a sack of chicken feed, go into the chicken yard, and spread it around until all of the chickens have eaten. Another job is salvaging old farm equipment. If anything gets rusted, you have to sand off the rust and paint it with rustproof paint. At the end of everyday, you have to put the saddle on the horse and go out and round up the cows before it gets dark.
  After dinner, we usually sit around the fire telling stories often western sagas about sagacious cowboys who work hard all day and fight off bandits and savages for the sake of their families.
  The farm life is also salutary for the soul. The farm is a rustic, quiet sanctuary from the sanctimonious behavior of the city people. People in the country are honest and straight forward. Rural neighbors help each other. It is a sacred way of life for them.
  You may not sanction the rural life, but it’s the only life for me.
  rumble v.隆隆行驶,低沉地说
  ruminate v.沉思,(指动物)反刍,咀嚼
  rural adj.农村的,田园的
  rust n.锈,生锈,(植)患
  rustic adj.乡村的,乡下风格的
  rustproof adj.不锈的vt.使不生锈,防锈
  sac n.(动,植物组织中的)囊,液囊
  sack n.(一)袋,麻袋
  sacred adj.宗教的,祭祀的,神圣的,不可冒犯的
  saddle n.鞍子,马鞍
  saga n.传说,英雄事迹,冒险故事
  sagacious adj.有洞察力的,精明的
  sake n.缘故,原因
  salient adj.显著,突出的
  saline adj.含盐的,咸的
  salinity n.盐分,盐浓度
  saliva n.口水,唾液
  sally n.(尤指部队等的)出击,突围
  saltiness n.盐度
  salutary adj.有益的,有益健康的
  salvage v.(从灾难中)抢救,(尤其指)海上救助,打捞
  sample n.范例,样品
  sanctimonious adj.假装诚实的,伪装虔诚的
  sanction n.制裁,批准,同意,支持,认可
  sanctuary n.圣所,圣殿,保护之所,动物保护区
