
  205. The space shuttle航天天飞机 spacecraft-spectator
  There was an engineer who specialized in designing spacecraft. It was his job to meet specifications specified by NASA. He was involved in the design of the space shuttle, a spaceship specifically designed to be spared and reused. One of the requirements was that the space shuttle was to be spacious enough to do experiments inside, yet material was to be used sparingly so as not to weighit down. One of the experiments to be performed was that of the spawning of a bird in the weightlessness of space. The specimen used the first time was that of a sparrow. In the future, NASA would specify what species other than birds would follow.
  On the day of the lift-off, many spectators gathered to watch the spectacle. As the engineer stood there and saw the great span of the space shuttle, his heart was filled with pride. As the flag was being raised, the band started playing the Star Spangled Banner, the national anthem. Then a spark came from the bottom of the rocket boosters, and a great explosion of flames emitted. The scene was spectacular. The shuttle lifted off the launch pad and headed for the sky. All the while, the engineer was choking with tears. The crowd watched the shuttle ascend until it was just a speck. One of the onlookers said, “Spanking good show.” The engineer continued watching the heavensas the crowd became sparse. When every one had gone, he went home, too.
  spacecraft n.宇宙飞船
  spaceship n.宇宙飞船
  space shuttle(往返于地球或太空站之间运载人或物资的)航天飞机
  spacious adj.广大的,宽敞的
  span n. 跨度,一段时间,翼展vt.跨越
  spangle v.(使)闪烁
  spanking adj. 强烈的,疾行的ad.非常
  spare adj.多余的,备用的vt.节约,节省n.剩余,备用
  sparingly adv.节俭地,保守地
  saprk n. 火花,火星vi.发动,鼓舞
  sparrow n.麻雀
  sparse adj.稀少的,稀疏的
  spawn v.产卵,大量生育,造成,酿成
  specialized adj.专业的,专门的
  species n.类群,种类
  specifically adv.特定地,明确地
  specification n.规格,详细说明书
  specified adj.特定的
  specify vt.明确说明,具体指定
  specimen n.标本,样品
  speck n.斑点
  spectacle n.奇观,展示,景象
  spectacular adj.引人入胜的,壮观的
  spectator n.参观者,观众
