
[00:00.00] module 9    Weekend
[00:05.88]unit 1     I helped Mum.
[00:12.12]1.Listen and point.
[01:45.22]On Monday Amy phoned Grandma.
[01:57.29]Hello? Hello,Grandma!  Oh,Hello,Amy!
[02:07.95]Did you cook meat yesterday?No,I didn't.I cooked fish.
[02:19.91]Did you listen to music?
[02:25.19]No,we didn't.
[02:28.95]We walked in the park and we talked to some friends.
[02:38.01]Oh!Was it a nice day?
[02:42.46]Yes.It was sunny.
[02:48.10]It rained here.
[02:51.55]Did you and Sam help your mother?
[02:56.22]Yes,I helped Mum.But Sam didn't help.
[03:06.28]He played on the compouter.
[03:10.12]And Dad watched TV.
[03:14.19]You're a good girl,Amy!What about Tom?
[03:22.24]Tom helped Mum,too.
[03:27.10]And Tom's a good boy!

[04:54.64]unit 2    Did dad cook lunch?
[05:01.90]1.Listen and repeat.
[05:11.25]Yesterday,Mr Smart cooked noodles for lunch.
[05:18.62]Tom helped him.Mum phoned Grandma.
[05:33.45]Hello! Sam and Amy watched TV.

[07:26.75]3.Listen and say,then chant.
[07:38.89]We walked and walked.
[07:42.65]We talked and talked.
[07:46.42]We looked and looked.
[07:50.07]We laughed and laughed.
[07:53.73]We played and played.
[07:57.70]We danced and danced.
[08:01.15]We jumped and jumped.
[08:04.70]We hopped and hopped and hopped and hopped.
[08:09.87]And then we stopped!
[09:35.53]phone                yesterday             day                    him
[09:48.84]打电话               昨天                  一天                   他
[10:02.15]laugh                dance                 stop                   last
[10:14.26]笑                   跳舞                  停止                   刚过去的
