英语会话速成 Unit 21(在线收听

Dialog 1

Hi, can I help you?

Yes, I need some information about applying to the shchool.

Ok, here is an information packet. When are you interested in starting?

I like to began this fall. Do you have space for more students this fall?

Yes, we do, but you need to apply quickly.

All right, thanks for the information.

(Now listen and repeat)

Dialog 2

Hi, I need some information about immission to the school.

What do you need?

I need to know the cost for tuition and the deadline for application

Sure thing, each semester hour is 80 dollars, you will have some feets in addition to that. the application much be turned in by the 15th of this month.

what are the other feets?

The paper use the library and computer lab. Good luck!

(Now listen and repeat)

Words and phrases

information, apply, packet, fall, quickly, admission, tuition, deadline, application, semester, in addition to, turn in, library, computer, lab
