英语会话速成 Unit 24(在线收听

Dialog 1

Hi, can you tell me where Texas stadium is ?

Sure, it is in Dallas on first street.

How do I get there from first ?

Take eye thirty east, exit on first street and go north. This stadium will be on your right.

How long will I be on first street?

About ten minutes, depending upon the traffic.

Dialog 2

Can you tell me how to get to the museum?

Where were you be coming from?

From Orlenton.

Sure, take eye thirty west, exit when you see the sun for the museum, turn right and you will be there in about ten minutes.

Ok, do I need to pay for parking?

No, parking is free.


Can you tell me where central stadium is?

can you tell me how to get to the museum?

Could you tell me the way to the central park?

Words and phrase

stadium, exit, north, depending upon, traffic, museum, turn, parking
