英语会话速成 Unit 30(在线收听

Chapter 6

dialog 1

How much do I owe you?

I've forgot it. This one's on me

You don't need to do that.

I want to, I haven't paid for your dinner in a while.

well, thanks a lot.

You bet, It's my pleasure.

Dialog 2

Here is 300 yuan for my ticket

keep it, I'm buying tonight.

no, you can't do that.

sure, i can, my trait.

all right, but I am buying next time.

It's a deal.


I'll get that

My trait

this one's on me

I'll pay for this

I am treating tonight.

I'm buying tonight.

Let me buy you a drink

You don't have to do that

Ok, but let me pay next time

thanks , I appreciate it

Wow, you are very kind

no, let me pay

words and phrases

oh, on me, dinner, in a while, yuan, deal
