
Ron: Are you free this evening, Li?

Ron: Li? 今天晚上你有空吗?

Li: I’m afraid I’m busy tonight. I’m having dinner with friends.

Li: 对不起,没有空,因为我和朋友一起吃饭。

Ron: What a pity. I wanted to go for a drink with you.

Ron: 真遗憾,我想和你一起喝一杯。

Li: What about tomorrow? Are you doing anything tomorrow?

Li: 明天怎么样?明天你有什么计划吗?

Ron: No, I haven’t got any plans.

Ron: 没有,没什么安排。

Li: Shall we go out tomorrow then?

Li: 那我们一起出去,好吗?

Ron: Why not? Sounds good to me.

Ron: 当然好。
