
[00:03.50]People and work
[00:06.74]Lesson 101
[00:10.66]1 Look and say
[00:12.88]1 看和说
[00:15.10]Look at these people.What does he/she do?
[00:21.16]Hu Yulan is a driver.Chen Fang is a farmer.
[00:27.82]Zhao Jianguo is a soldier.Liang Tao is a businessman. Li Quan is a doctor.
[00:37.07]Wu Bin is a worker. Guo Haifeng is a student.
[00:44.43]Liu Xin is a shop assistant..
[00:49.61]Zhang Min is a nurse.Yang Jing is a postman.
[00:56.27]Lesson 102
[01:05.02]1 Ask and answer
[01:07.24]1 问和答
[01:09.46]Choose one of the people on page 46.Practise dialogues like this:
[01:17.19]A:What's your name?
[01:20.12]B:Chen Fang.
[01:22.99]A:What do you do?
[01:25.86]B:I'm a farmer.
[01:28.92]A:Where do you work?
[01:31.85]B:Oh,on a farm near here.What about you?What do you do ?
[01:38.09]A:Oh,I'm a....
[01:41.56]Lesson 103 2 Read and say
[01:48.29]103课  2 读和说
[01:55.02]It's Friday evening. Hu Ying and Mr Baker are talking at a party.
[02:01.78]HU YING:Good evening.My  name's Hu Ying.
[02:05.75]MR BAKER:My name's Bill Baker.Nice to meet you.
[02:08.27]BAKER 先生:我叫Bill Baker.见到你我很高兴.
[02:10.80]HU YING:Nice to meet you,too.Where do you work?
[02:15.24]MR BAKER:I work in a middle school in Chendu.I'm a teacher.
[02:17.95]BAKER 先生:我在成都的一间学校工作.我是一名老师.
[02:20.67]HU YING:What do you teach?
[02:23.91]MR BAKER:I teach English and music.
[02:26.18]BAKER 先生:我教英语和音乐.
[02:28.45]HU YING:Music?You can sing very well,I think.
[02:33.29]MR BAKER:Yes,that's right.
[02:34.91]BADER 先生:是的,还行.
[02:36.53]HU YING:Do you like working in Chendu?
[02:40.47]MR BAKER:Yes,very much
[02:42.21]BAKER 先生:是的,非常喜欢.
[02:43.94]The people there are very friendly.And Ilike the food,too.
[02:49.30]HU YING:But Sichuan food is very hot.
[02:53.45]MR BAKER:Yes,I like hot food.Well,what do you do?
[02:56.54]BAKER 先生:是的,我喜欢辣的食物,你呢,你是干什么工作的?
[02:59.62]HU YING:I'm a policeman.
[03:02.67]MR BAKER:You're a policeman? No,you're a policewoman.
[03:05.91]BAKER 先生:你是一名男警察?不,你是一名女警察.
[03:09.15]HU YING:Oh,yes.I'm a policewoman.
[03:12.99]Thank you.Well,nice meeting you,Mr Baker.
[03:17.67]MR BAKER:Yeah,Very nice talking to you.
[03:21.82]Lesson 104 1 Spelling and pronunciation
[03:28.04]104课  拼读和发音
[03:34.26]ch  child    teach
[03:37.59]    孩子     教
[03:40.92]    watch    catch
[03:42.84]    看       抓住
[03:44.76]sh  shop     English
[03:47.98]    商店     英语
[03:51.21]    short    shirt
[03:53.39]    短的      衬衫
[03:55.57]th  thing    throw
[03:58.99]    事情      投
[04:02.42]    thirsty  thank
[04:04.34]    口渴      谢谢
[04:06.26]th  there    with
[04:08.88]    在那里    有,以
[04:11.51]    that     then
[04:13.28]    那个     当时
[04:15.06]wh  where    white
[04:18.78]   哪里      白色的
[04:22.50]    why      when
[04:24.40]   为什么    什么时候
[04:26.29]wh  who      whose
[04:28.81]   谁        谁的
[04:31.33]2 Stress and intonation
[04:35.77]Do you have a brother?Yes,I do.
[04:40.95]Do you speak English?Yes,a little.
[04:45.99]Does she speak English?Yes,she does.
[04:51.87]Where does he work?
[04:54.74]He works on a farm.
[04:58.19]Where does she stay?She stays in a house near here.
[05:04.35]3 Read and answer
[05:08.79]Mrs Jackson is anAmerican doctor.She is now in China.
[05:15.35]She works in a children's hospital in Chongqing.
[05:20.50]She is also learning Chinese medicine there.
[05:24.86]She likes Chinese medicine very much.
[05:29.30]She loves to work for children.
[05:33.06]She works hard in the day
[05:36.82]and reads English books on Chinese medicine at night.
[05:42.10]She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors
[05:46.96]and her Chinese friends.
[05:50.51]Now she can speak some Chinese.She can read some Chinese,too.
[05:56.75]Her husband Mr Jackson is a teacher.
[06:01.33]He teaches English in a middle school in Chongqing.
[06:06.37]He works hard,too.
[06:09.61]He works from Monday to Friday.
[06:13.37]He teaches three classes every day.
[06:17.73]Sometimes,on Saturdays and Sundays,
[06:22.09]he teaches other English classes.He wants to make more money.
[06:27.87]1 Where are Mr and Mrs Jackson from?
[06:30.39]1 Jackson夫妇来自哪里?
[06:32.91]2 Where do they work?
[06:34.88]2 他们在哪工作?
[06:36.85]3 What do they do?
[06:38.82]3 他们是干什么工作的?
[06:40.80]4 What is Mrs Jackson learning now?
[06:43.58]4 Jackson太太现在学习什么?
[06:46.36]5 What does Mrs Jackson do at night?
[06:49.09]5 Jackson太太晚上做些什么?
[06:51.82]6 How does she learn Chinese?
[06:54.41]6 她学习中文怎么样?
[06:56.99]7 Does Mr Jackson work hard?How do you know?
[07:00.17]7 Jackson 工作努力吗?你是怎么知道的?
[07:03.34]8 Why does Mr Jackson work at weekends?
[07:06.17]8 为什么Jackson在周末还得工作?
[07:09.01]4 Listen and chant
[07:11.19]4 听和吟唱
[07:13.37]Different people do different things
[07:17.81]Farmers grow us rice.
[07:21.36]Bakers make us bread.Artists draw us pictures.
[07:27.32]Postmen bring us letters..
[07:30.98]Teachers teach us English..
[07:34.74]Drivers drive us to places.Writers write us books
[07:40.70]Words and expressions
[07:43.86]Unit 26
[07:47.33]driver               farmer               soldier              businessman
[07:53.67]司机;驾驶员          农民                 士兵;战士           商人
[08:00.00]assistant            a shop assistant     nurse                postman
[08:06.49]助手;助理            售货员;店员          护士                邮递员
[08:12.98]factory              station              bus station          hospital
[08:19.46]工厂                 车站;所;站           公共汽车站           医院
[08:25.94]farm                 post                 office               post office
[08:31.92]农场                 邮寄;邮件            办公室               邮局
[08:37.90]study                party                friendly             also
[08:43.98]学习                 聚会                 友好的               也
[08:50.05]medicine             in the day           at night             make money
[08:56.42]内服药;医学          在白天                在晚上;在夜里        赚钱
[09:02.80]weekend              job                  writer               cleaner
[09:08.53]周末                 工作                 作家                 清洁工
[09:14.27]turn                                      grow                 baker
[09:18.68](依次轮流的)顺序;轮流                      种植;生长            面包师
[09:23.10]artist               hobby                be                   place
[09:28.76]画家艺术家           业余爱好             是;成为               地方;地点