流行美语 第 95 课(在线收听

今天李华和Larry 在谈暑假里打算干什么,李华会学到两个常用语:jack 和kaput。

LH: Hey Larry, 你知不知道纽约附近哪个地方可以钓鱼呀?
LL: Fishing, huh? I'm sorry Li Hua, I don't know jack about fishing.
LH: 哎,我问你钓鱼的事,你怎么说你不认识Jack?
LL: I'm not talking about a guy named Jack. When I say "I don't know jack about
fishing", that means "I don't know anything about fishing".
LH: 噢,原来jack 在这里不是人的名字,你说 I don't know jack about fishing 意思
就是"你对钓鱼一无所知"。这么说,jack 在这里就表示 "nothing", right?
LL: That's right.
LH: I don't know jack about fishing, 那不就成了I don't know nothing about fishing.
LL: OK, you're right, we don't use double negatives in proper, formal English. But this
is slang! "I don't know jack" means "I don't know anything".
LH: 我也经常听人说 I don't know nothing, 我知道在正规英语里面是不应该这么
说的。这样说来,在口语里是这么用的,那"I don't know jack" 就表示"我什么也
不知道"。对了,Larry, 那你暑假不准备钓鱼,你打算干什么呢?
LL: Well, I may just sit around. In other words, I don't do jack!
LH: You don't do jack! 我知道,你是说你什么也不干啊。除了"I don't know jack" ,
原来你还可以说:I don't do jack! 好不容易到了暑假,你却打算什么都不干?我才
LL: Well, the reason vacation is so valuable is because I can sit around and don't do
jack all day. Usually I'm a very busy guy.
LH: 你说得也有道理,就是因为放假了,才有可能懒散一点儿;什么事情也不做。
LL: Well, anyway, I need to get home and start on the term paper. I haven't written jack
LH: 什么?你的期末论文一点儿还没动手啊?哎哟,那你赶紧回家去写吧!
* *****
LH: Larry, 你不是在家写论文吗?怎么又跑到学校图书馆来啦?
LL: Well, I got home and started to work on my term paper, but my computer went
LH: 你说你的电脑怎么啦?Went kaput? 听起来就好象是电脑出问题了,是不是
LL: Yes, "kaput" means "broken, ruined or not working properly." My computer
went kaput, so now I have to work on my paper in the library.
LH: Oh, 原来 kaput 意思就是"坏了,没法正常工作"。你是说你的电脑坏了,Larry,
LL: Oh man, that's a real problem! My cell phone really went kaput and nobody could
reach me.
LH: 就是啊,我给你打电话留言,你也没收到。
LL: During that time, I was out of touch with everyone. It felt like my whole life went
LH: 有那么严重吗?你因为手机坏了,和所有人失去了联系,让你觉得整个生活
都完蛋啦?哎哟,还是先说说你的电脑吧 - 你的电脑 went kaput,那你有没有丢
LL: Well, I'm hoping it wasn't the hard drive that went kaput. That would be terrible!
LH: 你先别着急,即使是hard drive went kaput, 我想有的信息还是可以找回来的
LL: Let's hope so. If I can't get my computer fixed soon, I won't have jack to show
them in my term paper.
LH: 但愿你的电脑赶快修好。学期论文要是交白卷可真是太糟糕了。

今天李华从Larry 那儿学到了两个常用语,一个是jack, 在英语口语里 I don't know
jack 的意思是"我什么也不知道"。李华学到的另一个常用语是kaput, 就相当于中
