
[00:05.38]Lesson 101  1.Dialogues
[00:12.25]1.Bob Geldof is a pop star.
[00:16.98]He is ringing up some pop stars;he wants them to play in a concert.
[00:23.51]Hello.Is that Rik?
[00:26.98]yes,speaking.Just a moment.Let me turn the music down.There,that's better.
[00:35.24]Hi,it's Bob here.Listen.I want you to play in a concert for me.
[00:44.96]July 13th,in London.
[00:49.32]I'll have to ring you back,
[00:52.87]as I need to have a look at my diary and I haven't got it with me.
[00:58.23]Can you ring me back right away?
[01:01.88]Sure.Later this evening.
[01:06.14]2.Bob tries another pop star.
[01:11.29]This time he has more difficulty in getting through.
[01:15.96]Hello.Can I  speak to Eric,please?
[01:20.33]Just a minute,please.I'm sorry,he's not here right now.
[01:25.60]Can I ask who's calling?
[01:29.26]Yes,it's Bob here.Can you ask him to call me back?
[01:34.82]Can I ask you what it's about?
[01:38.69]Yes,will you give him a message,please?
[01:43.65]Say that BOb rang,Bob Geldof.
[01:48.41]I want Eric to play in a concert with me,on July 13th in London.
[01:54.57]It'll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen.
[02:00.32]Tell him that;he'll be interested.
[02:04.40]Does he have your number?
[02:07.45]My number is 584 1498.
[02:13.51]Tell him to ask for Bob or Paula.OK?
[02:22.00]Lesson 102  Reading
[02:32.95]Read the passage to find answers to these questions:
[02:38.69]1.What did Bob ask his pop star friends to do?
[02:45.46]2.What was the purpose of doing this?
[02:56.69]Bob Geldof is one of the most famous pop stars of the twentieth century.
[03:04.24]His greatest success has not been in singing
[03:08.81]but in organizing other singers to sing for him--for free!
[03:15.27]Bob Geldof was born in Ireland in 1954.
[03:21.01]His mother died when he was seven.
[03:25.09]When he was fourteen he became interested in pop groups.
[03:31.15]He left school and worked first in a food factory
[03:35.69]and later as a worker building roads.
[03:40.26]He went to Canada where he wrote about music for a newspaper.
[03:45.83]In 1975 he returned to Dublin,the capital of the Irish Republic,
[03:52.80]where he formed his own pop group.
[03:56.93]From 1979 to 1982 they were the top group in Britain,
[04:04.17]but in 1982 the group stopped playing together.
[04:09.31]Bob Geldof's life changed one October evening in 1984 when he was watching TV.
[04:17.78]He became sad and angry when he saw pictures of hungry people in Africa.
[04:23.84]He felt that he wanted to do something to help them.
[04:28.59]Suddenly he had the idea of making a pop record.
[04:33.45]If they managed to sell lots of copies,
[04:37.89]then the money from the record sales
[04:41.84]could be spent on food and other things for Africa.
[04:46.69]He rang up all his friends in the pop world,including the most famous pop stars.
[04:53.64]They all agreed to sing on his record for free.
[04:58.29]The record "Do they know it's Christmas"
[05:03.26]was produced and Bob made sure that it was played many times on the radio.
[05:09.60]So many copies were sold
[05:13.86]that the factory was producing 320,000 copies of the record every day.
[05:21.31]In the USA 1.5 million copies were sold in the first fortnight.
[05:28.96]By January 1985,5 million pounds had been collected
[05:35.93]and this soon increased to 8 million pounds (about 80 million yuan).
[05:42.70]After the success of this record,Bob went to six African countries.
[05:49.18]He wanted to see for himself what the problems were.
[05:54.04]He also wanted to see how the money should be spent.
[05:59.60]He soon realised that hunger was only one of the problems
[06:05.66]in the African countries which he visited.
[06:10.63]He started thinking about another project.
[06:15.67]Lesson 103  1.Reading
[06:33.30]Bob Geldof's next project was even bigger.
[06:38.86]He had the idea of organizing two big pop concerts on the same day

[06:45.42]one in England and one in the USA.
[06:50.07]He persuaded all the world-famous
[06:55.22]pop stars to come and sing at one of these concerts for free.
[07:01.28]He also persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.
[07:07.44]For example,Bob asked all the airlines to fly the pop stars for free.
[07:14.60]He told the BBC that he wanted 17 hours of non-stop TV time
[07:21.76]so that both concerts could be shown on television.
[07:26.62]On July 13th 1985 the concerts were held.
[07:33.46]85% of the world's TV sets were turned on
[07:38.89]and about 1.5 billion people in 160 countries watched the programme.
[07:47.15]The two concerts cost 4 million dollars,
[07:52.42]but 7 million dollars were collected from ticket sales
[07:57.57]and a further 7 million dollars came from radio and TV companies.
[08:04.10]By the end of the year,
[08:07.65]the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars,
[08:13.90]all of which were sent to Africa
