
[00:33.59]lesson 29
[00:44.07]Why did Jane and Kate have an argument?
[00:50.23]Jame thought they had made an arrangement to go out on Friday,
[00:56.89]but Kate changed her mind at last minute.
[01:02.64]Language points
[01:07.81]1.you don't keep your word.
[01:14.76]Keep one's word
[01:20.93]I'll keep my word,I'll tell him every thing.
[01:33.88]They Chinese people always keep their word.
[01:43.03]2.I've been looking forward to it.
[01:55.10]have (has) +been + -ing
[02:08.76]I have been learning English for more than five years.
[02:18.11]They have been waiting here for quite some time.
[02:30.18]look forward to with doing sth
[02:43.45]Boys and girls are looking forward to Children's Day.
[02:49.51]They looked forward to seeing him again.
[02:55.28]3.How can you change your mind at last minute?
[03:06.04]change one's mind =change one's plan
[03:15.00]I had planned to spend the holiday with my cousin,
[03:20.86]but now I have changed my mind.
[03:33.00]If you have made a decision,you had better not change your mind.
[03:44.78]4.You just don't consider anyone but yourself.
[03:51.94]You only think of yourself.
[04:14.80]I never saw him reading anything but the newspager.
[04:30.55]She doesn't believe anyone but herself.
[04:39.01]5.Anyhow,I'll see you next week.
[04:52.57]Anyhow,I don't like the weather here.
[05:00.62]It may rain,but anyhow I'll go out.
[05:15.59]6.I apologize for being so angry with you.
[05:22.04]I'm sorry to have done that.
[05:36.59]I apologize for sth/doing sth.
[05:45.34]I'm sorry to do/to have done sth.
[05:55.40]That's OK/all right.
[06:14.26]I apoloaize for being so rude to you.
[06:19.61]That's OK/all right.
[06:24.76]I apologize for quarrelling with you.
[06:30.95]It doesn't matter/That's mothing.
[06:35.68]7.I was very disappointed not to be going out.
[06:46.33]be disappointed to do/not to do sth.
[06:57.20]he is disappointed to have failed in the exam.
[07:07.18]Are you disappoihted not to be chosen to act in the play?
[07:18.83]8.I didn't mean to be so rude.
[07:24.79]I didn't intend to be so rude.
[07:33.75]mean +to do
[07:44.98]I mean to work harder next time.
[07:53.05]I didn't mean to hurt you.I meant to help you.
[08:02.19]I don't mean to disappoint you,but I must tell you the truth.
[08:14.63]9.There's no need for that.
[08:20.19]There's no need to feel ashamed.
[08:30.93]There is no need for sth to do
[08:44.07]There's no need for a guide on our journey.
[08:53.13]We have plenty of time.There's no need to hurry.
[09:02.41]lesson 30
[09:16.46]1.What was the boy looking for and what was the problem?
[09:24.92]He wanted to buy a geography book,
[09:29.89]but he only had 62 cents and the book cost one dollar.
[09:36.97]2.How did the bookseller and the writer each offer to help the boy?
[09:45.51]The book seller offered the boy the chance to buy the new book
[09:52.17]and pay him the rest of the money later.
[09:57.03]He also offered him a secondhand book for 50 cents.
[10:03.87]He gave the boy a new pencil and some writing paper.
[10:10.74]The writer gave the boy two dollars to buy some books.
[10:18.11]Language points
[10:24.77]1.Many years ago I walked into a bookstore in Cincinnati
[10:33.23]in seared of some books that I wanted
[10:49.09]in search of
[10:54.76]They started off at once in search of the missing girl.
[11:05.63]The boys went out in search of something to eat.
[11:21.67]Mr.Black searched every room in the house.
[11:27.54]The police searched everyone present at the scene of the crime.
[11:40.71]search for
[11:55.76]All night I searched for the lost money.
[12:05.19]They searched the hills for gold.
[12:13.23]He searched out the book and gave it to me.
[12:27.28]search through
[12:36.14]he searched through his pockets and still couldn't find his keys.
[12:48.10]He stopped his search He felt disappointed.
[13:00.25]2."Plenty of them," was the shop assistant's reply.
[13:21.41]In the south there is plenty of rain in spring.
[13:29.95]I have got plenty of T-shirts. I don't want to buy any.
[13:40.22]One dollar each,young man

[14:04.09]They each cost one dollar,young man.
[14:11.17]"Yes,sir,very much"
[14:20.32]"Yes,sir,I want the book very much."
[14:26.38]"If you like."
[14:37.84]"If you like,you may come along too and see How I get on."
[14:55.90]Looks like rain.
[15:06.45]We'll do the best we can.
[15:14.39]You better try again.
[15:24.42]Everybody here?
[15:34.58]Keep away from children.
[15:44.25]If you likd any of these books,I can give you plenty.
[15:58.69]3."Unless I visit every bookstore in town,
[16:05.46]I shall not know whether I can get what I want."
[16:25.03]You'll be late unless you hurry.
[16:35.58]he will kill them unless we can prevent him.
[16:48.56]4....they will be ahead of me if I don't get one.
[16:58.59]ahead of
[17:07.53]he was two classes ahead of me.
[17:14.89]Is Australian time ahead of British time?
[17:29.55]She left one day ahead of us.
[17:36.21]He was sure there was a great future ahead of me.
[17:45.27]There were three children ahead of the woman in the queue.
[17:55.72]5."Yes ,it's as good as the new ones."
[18:02.57]Yes,the secondhand book is just as good as the new books.
[18:10.01]as good as
[18:20.46]She was so ill that she was as good as dead.
[18:29.92]He told me that every thing was as good as settled.
[18:44.47]6.-Well,in that case it'll do just as well,
[18:51.62]and then I shall have twelve cents left to buy some other book."
[19:19.29]I'm busy right now,Will tomorrow do?
[19:27.05]If you don't have a pen.a pencil will do.
[19:36.40]in this/that case
[19:45.04]he may not be back at six.In this case we won't wait for him.
[19:57.90]It may rain tomorrow.
[20:02.44]In that case,we'll have to put off the sports meet till next Saturday.
[20:17.20]7.At the boy's last remark,the bookseller looked at him curiously
[20:44.87]I was frightened at the news.
[20:53.12]The baby stopped crying at the sight of his mother.
[21:06.68]8."Yes,more than I can ever get."
[21:13.16]Yes,I want more books that I can ever get."
[21:20.71]9.For one moment I thought he was going to burst into tears.
[21:43.28]I put too much air into the bicycle type and it burst.
[22:07.33]hurst into tears
[22:13.58]burst out laughing
[22:18.85]burst with anger
[22:24.10]burst into the room
[22:36.75]hearing the sad news,she burst into tears.
[22:46.70]The police burst into the room and caught the murderer.
[22:57.75]10.Then I left him standing by the counter so happy that I almost envied him
[23:26.82]They looked at me with envy.
[23:36.07]How I envy you!
[23:43.52]lesson 31
[23:56.66]1.What happened to the writer?
[24:02.93]The writer was in a storm in the atlantic Ocean.
[24:10.19]2.How did the story end?
[24:15.83]The ship reached the port safely.
[24:20.87]The captain of the ship was the young boy from Cineinnati,William Hartley.
[24:28.53]Language points
[24:35.37]1.For the greater part of the voyage we had pleasant weather ,
[24:43.02]but tow ards the end of our crossing a terrible storm came up
[24:49.87]and the ship would have sunk with all on board
[24:55.33]but for the efforts of the captain.
[25:00.19]For the most part of our journey across the ocean.
[25:07.76]we had pleasant weather,
[25:11.42]but towards the end of the journey a strong and violent storm hit us unexpectedly
[25:19.78]The ship would have sunk with all the passengers on it,
[25:25.63]if the captain had not made the efforts.
[25:47.10]but for
[26:06.64]But for the snow we would have had a very pleasant journey.
[26:18.58]If there hadn't been snow,we would have had a very pleasant journey.
[26:45.75]I would not have succeeded but for your help.
[26:51.81]If I hadn't had your help,I would not have succeeded.
[27:16.26](be) on board
[27:31.23]As soon as I'm on board,I always feel sick.
[27:42.49]I left the railway station after she went on board the train.
[27:54.03]2.But after punping for one whole night,
[28:00.98]they were losing the battle against the rising water
[28:07.01]and were on the point of giving up.
[28:21.56]be on the point of
[28:32.61]I was just on the point of going when you came in
[28:53.56]We were on the point of telephoning you when your telegram arrived

[29:06.83]give up
[29:13.29]He has given up playing football.
[29:22.12]We are thinking of giving up the plan.
[29:34.97]3.The captain,as soon as he realized the sitlation,took charge.
[29:47.93]take charge (of)=be responsible for
[29:58.87]The manager was going to France for about ten days,
[30:06.52]and she was asked to take charge.
[30:17.39]Mary promised to take charge of all the preparations for the exhibition sales
[30:30.14]4.How the men pumped like craze?
[30:38.39]like craze
[30:51.35]We had to drive like craze to get there on time.
[31:03.92]He talked like Crazy;I couldn't understand what he said.
[31:16.38]5.Neither I nor any of the sailor
[31:22.72]will leave the ship so long as it remains above the surface of the sea.
[31:57.57]I have neither time nor money.
[32:02.14]They could neither read nor write.
[32:06.90]so long as
[32:18.55]You may borrow this book so (as) long as you keep it clean.
[32:29.10]As(so) long as you are happy,it doesn't matter what you do.
[32:40.44]6.Then he turned to all the passengers and shouted,
[32:47.91]"To the pumps,every one of you"
[32:52.87]go to the pumps and start pumping,all of you!"
[33:07.63]turn to
[33:14.71]Please turn to me when you're speaking so that I can hear what you're saying
[33:28.87]Let's burn our attention to the matter at hand.
[33:39.50]To the airport!(=go to the airport)
[34:03.38]7.I will land you safe in Liverpool,...
[34:22.84]I will land you in Liverpool and you will be safe.
[34:30.91]The pilot landed the plane in the middle of a big field.
[34:44.36]8.And in the end he did land us safe.
[35:16.02]Four policemen fode past on their motorbikes,
[35:22.48]then came the television broadcasting car.And finally the marathon runners.
[35:38.83]We waited and waited,and the train finally arrived.
[35:52.67]At last the work was done and he could rest.
[36:11.01]They won in the end.They won in the end
