
1. Those around him are continuing their defence of Pope Benedict on the Easter Sunday. The Pope avoided any public mention of the sex abuse scandal and the allegations of a church cover-up. At Easter Sunday Mass, a senior cardinal defended Benedict against what he called "petty gossip".

2. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says he will surely retire while President Barack Obama is still in office. Stevens said in newspaper interviews that he will decide soon in the timing of his retirement, whether it will be this year or next.

3. Authorities say two other attacks were foiled today, even as three car bombs were detonated near embassies in Bagdad. The attacks killed at least 42 people and wounded more than 200 others.

4. And much warmer-than-average weather has made the experience of taking and watching the cherry blossoms even more enjoyable. Thousands of people are visiting bloom along the Tidal Basin this weekend.
