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Peru Commission Implicates Nearly 200 in Corruption Scandals
Nico Colombant
Rio de Janeiro
14 Jun 2001 06:07 UTC

A 1)congressional commission in Peru has named nearly 200 people it believes are 2)implicated in 3)corruption scandals linked to former spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos.
The 4)panel says it will seek charges against a number of 5)prominent businessmen, politicians and military chiefs, including Armed Forces 6)Commander Miguel Medina, who is also Peru's top Air Force officer.
He was 7)allegedly implicated in irregularities linked to Mr. Montesinos that involved the 8)purchase of Russian fighter planes in 1996. The report alleges Mr. Medina told the air force the planes were new when in fact they were used. General Medina, who was appointed the armed forces chief in April, did not immediately comment.
Committee head David Waissman presented the list of what he called a vast network of corruption headed by Mr. Montesinos, at a congressional 9)session that ended early Wednesday.
Mr. Waissman was elected Peru's vice-president in the June third 10)balloting, which saw 11)centrist economist Alejandro Toledo win the presidency. Mr. Toledo will assume power next month.
Mr. Montesinos fled the country after sparking a corruption 12)scandal last year that also forced former President Alberto Fujimori out of office.
Mr. Fujimori is currently living in Japan, his parent's country of birth, while Mr. Montesinos is on the run from a series of charges ranging from corruption to ordering death squads. His whereabout are unknown.
A consultant in Peru for the anti-corruption group 13)Transparency International, says he believes there will be a flood of corruption cases in the coming months in the aftermath of Mr. Fujimori's ten-year rule. "I feel we need at least two or three years in order to know how big or how difficult this crisis is. Probably in the next weeks, more names will add to the list of different business and corruption processes and this is the problem we are facing," he says.
The report released Wednesday recommends charges be brought against those named. The report is due to be considered by Congress and, if approved, passes to the 14)attorney general for criminal 15)investigations to begin.

(1) congressional[kEN`^reFEnEl]adj.大会的, 国会的
(2) implicate[5ImplIkeIt]vt.使牵连其中,暗示n.包含的东西
(3) congressional[kEN`^reFEnEl]adj.会议的, 大会的, 国会的
(4) panel[5pAn(E)l]n.仪表板, 座谈小组, 全体陪审员
(5) prominent[5prRmInEnt]adj.卓越的, 显著的, 突出的
(6) commander[kE5mB:ndE(r)]n.司令官, 指挥官
(7) allegedly[E5ledVIdlI]adv.依其申述
(8) purchase[5p:tFEs]vt.买, 购买n.买, 购买
(9) session[5seF(E)n]n.会议, 开庭
(10) ballot[5bAlEt]n.选举票, 投票, 票数vi.投票
(11) centrist[5sentrIst]n.中间派议员, 中立派议员
(12) scandal[5skAnd(E)l]n.丑行,丑闻,诽谤,耻辱
(13) transparency[trAn5spArEnsI, trB:-]n.透明, 透明度, 幻灯片
(14) attorney[E5t:nI]n.<美>律师, (业务或法律事务上的)代理人
(15) investigation[InvestI5^eIF(E)n]n.调查, 研究

