
请回信告知, 这次运往伦敦的5箱货物的详细内容、价值、收货人, 以及费用由谁负担。
Please send us ty return full instructions for the five cases for London, as to contents, value, consignee and who pays all the charges.

今天, 我们已从阿部先生那里, 收到下列货物, 请告知如何处理, 不胜感激。
Your instructions for the disposal of the undermentioned goods, which have arrived today from Mr. Abe, will oblige.

上述定购货物已备齐, 请早日指示, 如何发运。
The above order is now ready. Please give us forwarding instructions as soon as possible

我们已从B.B.公司收到标有 。 唛头的乳酪5箱, 请立即告知如何处理。
We have received from Messrs. B.B. five cases cheese marked 。 Please hand us early instructions as to the disposal.

请将该货物于下星期五以前, 装"Dongola"号轮, 运往纽约, 并按2000美元投保平安险。
The packages should be forwarded to New York for shipment per m.s. "Dongola" not later than Friday next, and insured for $2,000, F.P.A.

请将保管在贵公司30包棉花, 运交冈田公司, 并将提单寄本公司。
Please ship my thirty bales cotton, now kept in your warehouse, to Messrs. Okada & Co., and forward B/L to me.

复贵公司5月15日来函, 请将本公司的10包货物, 尽快用火车运来, 并请标注唛头。1-10。其余90包, 请用下次轮船运出。
In reply to your letter of the 15th May, please send ten bales of our goods, marked 。 1-10, by rail as soon as possible to our address, and the other ninety bales afterwards by next steamer.

请速将保管在贵公司仓库的70包山羊板皮, 运交伦敦的怀特公司, 并将提单寄交我处。
Please ship as soon as possible seventy bales of goat skins, kept in your warehouse, to Messrs. White & Co. in Londong, and send me the Bill of Lading.

我们已于今日, 将下列书籍通过美国的铁路快运您处, 运费已付。
We are sending you today by the American Railway Express, prepaid, the following books.

该货可以立即交付, 准备明日装船。
The goods are being prepared for immediate delivery and will be ready for shipment tomorrow.

根据19--年3月14日签署的第234号合同, 我们已将100捆藤料装"出云号"货轮, 运往你地,请贵公司付费, 特此通知。
We advise you of the following shipment for your account, per m.s. "Izumo Maru" for your port, 100 bdls. cane, against the contract No. 234, dated March 14th, 19--.

上周所订购的货物已发运, 希望贵公司会感到满意。愿继续服务。
We herewith send you the goods ordered last week, and hope you will find same satisfactory. Your further orders will receive our prompt attention.

The cargoes were discharged at San Francisco.

I inform you that the cargo of the "Sophia" has been landed and warehoused here, and the vessel is undergoing the necessary repairs.

"阿德雷得"轮已于昨日安全抵达本港, 正值假日之前, 可以及时卸货, 特此奉告。
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Adelaide arrived here safely yesterday, just in time to get them discharged before holidays commence.

These goods will be unloaded in an hour.
