

对本件损伤, 不知贵公司将采取什么方式加以补偿, 恳请惠告为荷。
Kindly tell me what steps you are going to take in the way of compensation for the damage.

他们说, 当从公司获得补偿金。
They say they are to receive the compensation money from the company.

We must ask you to replace them with good salable ones.

Please let me have a marketable lot in exchange for them.


贵公司寄售的货物引起众多抱怨, 而且有几位顾客已大量退货。
Your consignments have caused numerous complaingts, and several customers have returned a quantity of them to us.

由于这批寄售的商品中有很多无法使用的, 所以请对原来协商制定的价格做一次大幅度的折扣优待为荷。
As much of this consignment will be practically useless, kindly allow me a liberal discount upon the price agreed uppon.

对本货物, 贵公司是否可考虑同意退货, 或者以折半价格由本公司脱手, 请回复。
Would you kindly let me know if you will take them back, or allow me to sell them at a discount of 50 per cent.

因延迟到货所造成的诸多不便及一切损失, 应由发货人负全部责任。
The inconvenience thus caused is very great, and I hold the owners responsible for any loss which may accrue through this delay.


我们未收到贵公司所寄的提单及发票, 贵购来函中, 未见该文件的任何附本。请原谅,贵公司在这件事上恐有疏漏。
We have never received a bill of lading or invoice from you, and that if any of your letters to us contained such documents, they must, in some way, have been miscarried.

It is a practical impossibility to weave such a cloth in the length you now require.

我们相信, 本公司5月3日及本月20日的函件会消除贵公司产生的疑虑。
Our communications of the 3rd May and 20th inst., will, we trust, remove the unfavourable opinion you appear to have formed.

对未送到本公司的函件很难回复, 未收到货物, 无法寄交收据。
It would have been, indeed, difficult to answer letters not delivered to us, or to acknowledge receipt of goods which never came to our possession.
