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相关教程: OMG美语
  • OMG美语:OMG!美语 Butter Me Up!

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  • OMG美语:OMG!美语 Air Travel!

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  • OMG美语:OMG!美语 TTYL!

    1) G2G = got to go = 我得走了 2) TTYL = talk to you later = 一会儿再聊 3) XOXO 亲亲抱抱...

  • OMG美语:OMG!美语 Let's Party!

    1) Throw a party 开派对 2) Life of the party 聚会中活跃气氛的中心人物 3) Party hard! 玩得很high! 4) Party pooper扫兴的人 5) Wallflower坐在一旁观看的人...

  • OMG!美语 BBL! BFF!

    1) BBL = Be back later = 一会儿回来,一会儿再聊 2) BFF = best friend forever = 一辈子的好朋友 3) BF/GF = boyfriend/ girlfriend 男朋友/女朋友 4) BTW = by the way = 顺便说一下...

  • OMG!美语 NVM Nevermind!

    1) 2nite = tonight = 今晚 2) NVM = nevermind = 算了 3) THX = thanks = 谢谢...

  • OMG!美语 BRB! Be Right Back!

    1) BRB = be right back马上回来 2) JK = just kidding 开玩笑 3) LOL = laugh out loud 你听到或者看到搞笑的东西, 就可以这么说...

  • OMG!美语 Head Over Heels

    1) head over heels 很爱一个人,为他神魂颠倒 2) wear your heart on your sleeve 感情外露 3) big heart 热情大方...

  • OMG!美语 Great Job!

    1) Great job! 很棒!干得漂亮! 2) You're doing well. 你做的很不错。 3) Keep up the good work! 保持良好的表现! 夸奖让别人心里甜滋滋的!你是不是经常夸奖别人或者被别人夸奖呢?...

  • OMG!美语 SO Nosey!

    1) Can you give me a hand? 你能帮帮我吗? My iPhone just froze. What do I do? Can you give me a hand?我的iPhone死机了。怎么办?你能帮帮我吗? 2) Keep an eye on something 帮我看一下 Will you keep an eye on my computer for...

  • OMG!美语 Do These Match?

    1) fashion sense 对时尚很有很有品2) Work it!穿出你的范儿来!3) Do these match? 这个和这个配不配?4) Do these go? 这个和这个配不配?5) It doesn't go/match. 不配,不搭...

  • OMG!美语 Date Night!

    1) Go on a date 去约会 2) Dinner and a movie 先吃饭, 然后去看电影 3) He is such a gentleman 他是一位真正的绅士 4) Chivalry 对女孩子的谦恭有礼...

  • OMG!美语 Hug!

    1) hug 很短的拥抱 2) hold 抱着 3) cuddle 依偎地搂着...

  • OMG!美语 Singles Day!

    1) single 单身 Being single sucks. I wish I had a boyfriend. 单身的感觉真不好。好想找个男朋友啊! 2) bachelor 单身汉3) bachelorette 单身女子 Before getting married, people have bachelor or bachelorette parties to say goodby...

  • OMG!美语 American Chinese Food!

    1) General Tsos chicken左宗棠鸡 2) Crab Rangoon炸蟹角 3) Fortune cookies签语饼,幸运饼 发现很多中国朋友来到美国后是第一次听说这些哦~...
