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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>VOA慢速英语(美国之音)>2019年美国之音慢速英语>2019年VOA慢速英语(三)月>
  • VOA慢速英语--On 和 Onto的区别

    The Difference Between On and Onto Welcome back to Ask a Teacher! Many English prepositions can be close in meaning. So, sometimes knowing which to choose is hard. But, todays program can help. Here is the question: Question: I would like to know whe...

  • 'The Blue Hotel,' by Stephen Crane, Part Two

    I think you are tongue-tied, said Scully finally to his son, the cowboy, and the Easterner; and at the end of this sentence he left the room. Upstairs the Swede was closing his bag. His back was half-turned toward the door, and hearing a noise there,...

  • VOA慢速英语--联合国以及一些国家纪念国际妇女节

    UN, Others Mark International Women's Day Rights groups and government organizations around the world are recognizing International Womens Day on Friday. The day -- March 8 -- is a celebration of womens social, economic, cultural and political succes...

  • Waahh or Wee-oww? That Is the Question

    Anyone who goes to New York City knows it can be very noisy. One of the common sounds you hear on the streets is a siren: a loud, high noise that comes from police cars, fire trucks, or ambulances. It sounds like Waaaaaahhhhhhh. People living in New...

  • VOA慢速英语2019 火星研究人员发现火星地表下曾有大型地下水系的首个证据

    Mars Researchers Find First Evidence of Planet-Wide Groundwater System For years, Mars has been seen as a dry, lifeless planet. But there is growing evidence to suggest this was not always the case. 多年来,火星一直被视为一个干燥、没有...

  • VOA慢速英语2019--小量化词使许多东西变小

    Diminutives Make Many Things Smaller Hi everyone! Do you feel like playing a little word game today? I do. OK, here it is: I will give you the words. Your job is to identify the meanings without searching the Internet. Here is the first word: doggy....

  • VOA慢速英语--美国一些移民孩子担心父母会被驱逐出境

    Children of Immigrants Fear Parents May Be Sent Away Jacqueline Landaverde, age 17, hopes to study political science and law in college. Kevin Palma, also 17, wants to become a doctor. The two young people are in their final year of high school. They...

  • VOA慢速英语2019 英博物馆将归还埃塞俄比亚皇帝头发

    British Museum Returns Piece of Emperor's Hair to Ethiopia Ethiopia announced this week that a museum in Britain has agreed to return locks of hair belonging to a former Ethiopian ruler. 埃塞俄比亚本周宣布,英国一家博物馆同意归还一...

  • VOA慢速英语--美国和英国在贸易谈判中就农业问题发生冲突

    US, Britain Clash Over Farming Issues During Trade Talks Britain and the United States have opened exploratory talks on a trade agreement. Such an agreement would take effect after Britain officially leaves the European Union. The withdrawal, known a...

  • VOA慢速英语--报道称朝鲜正在重建火箭发射区建筑

    North Korea Reportedly Rebuilding Structures at Rocket Launch Area North Korea reportedly has rebuilt structures at a rocket launch site that it had begun to take down last year. That information comes from foreign observers and a South Korean lawmak...

  • VOA慢速英语2019--艺术家使中国古代艺术形式现代化

    Artists Modernize Ancient Chinese Art Form A new exhibit at a California museum provides visitors with a modern version of the ancient Chinese art style, shan shui hua. The name means mountain water painting in English. The show is at the Chinese Ame...

  • VOA慢速英语2019 新奥尔良庆祝狂欢节

    New Orleans Celebrates Mardi Gras The streets of New Orleans will be filled with people of all ages Tuesday night. 星期二晚上,新奥尔良的街道上将会挤满男女老少。 Happy children hope to catch colorful beads thrown from people st...

  • VOA慢速英语--柬埔寨称反对派领导人将继续被拘留

    Cambodia Says Opposition Leader to Stay Detained The Cambodian government has rejected a demand from a major opposition party to release its leader from detention. Prime Minister Hun Sen said Monday that Kem Sokha, leader of Cambodias National Rescue...

  • VOA慢速英语2019 全球第二例艾滋病患者被治愈

    Second Patient Cleared of the Virus That Causes AIDS A man in London has become the second known HIV-positive adult to be cleared of the virus that causes the disease AIDS. The man received a stem cell transplant three years ago. He was treated with...

  • VOA慢速英语2019 西爪哇限制“成人”外国流行歌曲

    West Java Restricts Adult Foreign Pop Songs Indonesias most populous province has set restrictions on when more than 80 English language songs can be broadcast. 印尼人口最多的省份对80多首英文歌曲的播放时段进行了限制。 The W...
