Exercise 11-11: Presidential Candidates' Debate CD 4 Track 48
Thəprezədənt təmärrou näidiz əxpectədiniz stεidəv thəyoonyən mesəj təprəpouz fedrəl səbzədeez təhelp lou(w)inkəm fæmleez ouvrkəm thəsou-käld dijədəl dəväid. Izidənəpropree(y)ət yusəv gəvrmnt fənz təhændæot kəmpyudrz ənprəväid innernet æksεs təthouz hu cæn(d)əford it; ənd if nät, why nät. Will bəgin with Mr. Keez.
I think this iz ənəthər keis whεer pälətishənz try dəjəmpän thəbændwægən əv səmthing thæťs going än in thee(y)əcänəmee, sou evreebədeez gənnəthink thət they ækchəlee hæv səmthing tədo with thərəzəlt when they dont. Thεrz nou need fr this. Wiräl reddy seeing æot thεr prəpouzəlz fr thədistrəbyushən əv free PeeCees, nät beis dän səm pälətishən meiking əjudgment ən spending tæxpeiyer mənee, bət beis dän thəself-intrst əv thouz hu(w)är involvd inənyu world, ənyu world ən which p'rtisəpeishən iz thəkee dəpräfit— ənd in which thεr iz ækchəlee əsträng insentiv əməng thouz hu prtisəpεidin thəpräivət sektər təgiv æksεss təindəvijəls sou thæt they c'n impruv their äpərtyunədeez fr präfit, frinfərmeishn shεring. Thæts whəts älredee bin1 going än—it will kəntinyu. Thεr iz nou need fr thəgəvərmənt təprətend thæt it needs təteik leedership hir. I think thæts jəst pəlidəkəl päsjuring.
Senədər Mə(k) kein.
I bəleev th't wee du hæv əpräbləm. æn thædiz thət thεrizəgrowing gæp bətween thəhævz ənd hæv-näts in əmεrəkə, thouz thədr εibl dətεik pärdin this infərmeishn teknäləjee ən thouz th't hævnt. Wee took əmεijər step forwərd when wee dəsaidəd dəwäi(y) r evree skool ən lybrεree in əmerikətəthee(y) innərnet. Thætsəgüd prougrəm. Wee hæv təhæv step tu, three, ən four, which meenz güd əkwipmənt, güd teechərz ənd güd clæssroomz. No, I wüdn du(w) it d'rektlee. Bət thεrz läts əv weiz th'chyu kən inkerəj korpəreishnz, who in their own self-intrest, wüd wänt təprəvaid... wüd rəseev tæks benəfits, wüd rəseev kredit, ənd mεny əthər weiz fr beeing invəlvd in thəskoolz, in əpgreiding thəkwälədee əv əkwipmənt th't thei hæv, thəkwälədee əv thəstyudənts ənd thεrby prəvaiding əməch-needed well-treind wərkfors.
Thæng kyu. Mr. Forbz.
The president tomorrow night is expected in his State of the Union message to propose federal subsidies2 to help lowincome families overcome the so-called digital divide. Is it an appropriate use of government funds to hand out computers and provide Internet access tothose who can't afford it, and if not, why not? We'll begin with Mr. Keyes.
"I think this is another case where politicians try to jump on the bandwagon of something that's going on in the economy, so everybody's gonna think that they actually have something todo with the result when theydon't. There's no need for this. We're already seeing out there proposals for the distribution of free PCs, not based on some politician making a judgment and spending taxpayer3 money, but based on the self-interest of those who are involved in a new world, a new world in which participation4 is the key to profit—and in which there is actually a strong incentive5 among those who participate on the private sector6 to give access to individuals so that theycan improve their opportunities for profit, for information sharing. That's what's already been going on—it will continue. There is no need for the government to pretend that it needs to take leadership here. I think that's just political posturing7."
Senator McCain.
"I believe that we do have a problem. And that is that there is a growing gap between the haves and have-nots in America, those that are able to take part in this information technology and those that haven't. We took a major step forward when we decided8 to wire every school and library in America to the Internet. That's a good program. We have to have step two, three, and four, which means good equipment, good teachers, and good classrooms. No, I wouldn't do it directly. But there's lots of ways thatyou can encourage corporations, who in their own self-interest, would want to provide ... would receive tax benefits, would receive credit, and many other ways for being involved in the schools, in upgrading the quality of equipment that they have, the quality of the students, and thereby9 providing a much-needed well-trained workforce10."
Thank you. Mr. Forbes.

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n.箱柜;vt.放入箱内;[计算机] DOS文件名:二进制目标文件 | |
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n.补贴,津贴,补助金( subsidy的名词复数 ) | |
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n.纳税人 | |
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n.参与,参加,分享 | |
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n.刺激;动力;鼓励;诱因;动机 | |
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n.部门,部分;防御地段,防区;扇形 | |
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做出某种姿势( posture的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adv.因此,从而 | |
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n.劳动大军,劳动力 | |
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