[00:04.41]While you listen
[00:10.27]You are going to hear someone talking about a weekend away at a hotel.
[00:16.14]So,how was York,then?
[00:21.29]Oh,it was good,We had a great weekend,It's brilliant place to spend a few days.
[00:29.54]It's a shame about the hotel,though!
[00:33.80]Why?I thought you said you were going to be staying in the best place in town.
[00:40.18]Well,that's what the brochure1 said,yeah.
[00:44.93]And when we first got there,everything was great.
[00:50.18]The staff at check-in were lovely-really efficient.
[00:55.75]And our rooms were amazing-absolutely spotless.
[01:01.31]So what was wrong with the place,then?
[01:04.84]Well,before we went out for dinner on the Friday night.
[01:10.69]I wanted to have a shower.
[01:14.34]The trouble was,I hadn't brought any soap or shampoo or anything like that
[01:20.90]-and there were no free toiletries at all.Can you belive it?
[01:26.96]I thought that was standard in every hotel now.
[01:32.13]Anyway,I rang Reception and they said that the mind would bring me some up.
[01:39.40]Well.I waited for forty-five minutes and nothing arrived,
[01:45.46]and then,when I rang to ask what had happened to her,
[01:50.18]they old me she'd gone home!I couldn't believe it.
[01:55.83]In the end,I just decided2 to do without the shower and went out smelling a bit sweaty,
[02:02.88]which wasn't exactly romantic3!That all seems a bit odd,
[02:08.52]so.did you manage to get some toiletries the next day,then?
[02:13.88]Yeah,but I had to go and buy them myself in town,
[02:19.13]And then,the next morning,after breadfast in bed,which was nice,
[02:26.10]when I'd finally had my shower.
[02:30.65]I noticed there was something funny about the towels.
[02:35.79]Don't tell me!they were dirty?
[02:39.95]Exactly!They hadn't been changed since the person before.
[02:45.69]But that's disgusting4!So did you complain about it?
[02:51.36]Oh,yes-and I must say,they were very apologetic.
[02:57.11]I actually ended up feling sorry for the boy on the desk.
[03:02.28]I got pretty angry with him!
[03:06.12]So.apart from a couple of hiccups,then,was everything else all right?
[03:12.68]Well,yes and no.We couldn't believe how cheap the bar was
[03:19.16]almost half the price things are down in this part of the world-
[03:24.30]and the barman was fantastic-a really.really nice guy!
[03:30.47]So what are you complaining about?
[03:34.44]Well,we decided to eat in on the Saturday.
[03:39.69]They had this special Saturday dinner menu.and it looked very reasonable.
[03:45.93]There wasn't huge choice or anything,but it all looked quite interesting.
[03:52.28]Anyway,I had the salmon5 and Veronica had the steak.
[03:58.52]Well,you should have seen it when it came.
[04:03.38]She asked for it well done,
[04:07.33]but when it arrived,it was absolutely swimming in blood!
[04:12.79]She couldn't touch it.I thought she was going to be sick.
[04:18.35]So I called the waiter over and he took it away.
[04:23.60]And brought it back well done?
[04:27.36]Well,you could say that!It wasn't exactly well done.It was more well burnt!
[04:34.94]It was totally inedible6 -it was shocking,actually,I've never seen anything like it.
[04:42.49]So did Veronica complain?Well,that's the trouble.She did.
[04:48.24]And do you know what happened?
[04:52.08]The chef7 himself came out of the kitchen and told her she was ignorant
[04:58.55]and said he was wasting his time cooking for someone who didn't appreciate good food.
[05:05.82]Well.by this time.poor Veronica was in tears.
[05:11.69]All her make-up was running down her face and everything.It was awful!
[05:18.15]We just had to get out of there and escape.
[05:22.90]So I take it you won't be going back again,then?
[05:27.58]Too right!It's sad,really,though,because it was a lovely place.
[05:34.42]But there's no way it was worth &80 a night,what with all that hassle!
[05:41.08]1.While you read
[05:51.43]Shout_at_us.com-The website that helps you get things off your chest8!
[05:58.27]From Donna
[06:01.61]I can't understand people who invite you round to their house,but don't mean it
[06:09.08]They say:Oh.you must come round and have dinner some time.
[06:15.54]When you ask them when,they say:Oh,I'm very busy at the moment.
[06:22.98]When someone say to you:
[06:27.13]we must have lunch sometime,or we must get together,or go swimming.
[06:34.27]forget it.They never mean it!
[06:38.81]From Marie,ex-waitress
[06:43.96]I can't stand people who complain about the service in restaurants,
[06:50.41]I mean,don't they understand that waiters and waitresses get tired,
[06:57.18]worry about their credit9 card bills and have children who are causing them trouble.
[07:04.12]They are real people with emotions!they're not machines.
[07:10.47]From Mark Forbes
[07:14.83]I don't understand people who like country music,
[07:19.98]A typical song goes like this:I've lost my job.My girlfriend has left me.
[07:28.16]I'm an alcoholic10 and now my dog has died.
[07:33.72]I like music which makes me feel happy.Country music lovers11 are weird12.
[07:40.88]From Ron
[07:44.64]I hate the way society treats old people.
[07:50.39]We lock them away in old people's homes and forget about them.
[07:55.95]We feel guilty13 and visit them for an hour on a Sunday once a month.It's sick.
[08:03.50]From Shane
[08:07.76]Older drivers drive me mad.
[08:12.93]They drive around town doing ten miles an hour in huge old cars they can't park.
[08:21.29]Why don't we just take away their driving licences14 when they turn seventy?
[08:28.24]From Butch
[08:32.68]I'm a vegetarian15.When I tell people.they say,So you don't eat ANY meat?
[08:42.03]I'm patient with them and say,No.no.meat.
[08:48.09]They then drive me mad by asking,Not even chicken?
[08:54.65]Don't they realise16 that birds aren't vegetables!
[09:00.50]They've got flesh17 and blood just like you and me!
[09:05.54]From Jim G
[09:09.69]I can't stand people with body odour18.Nowadays shops are full of deodorants19.
[09:18.52]There's no excuse for B.O.
[09:23.57]From Sue
[09:27.72]I was in my local supermarket recently
[09:32.58]and saw a child taking a bite out of an apple.
[09:37.54]He then put the apple back so that his bite could not be seen.
[09:43.11]I told his mother.She told me to mind my own business.
[09:49.06]I then told one of the staff,who said there was nothing they could do about it.
[09:55.41]She said it happens all the time.
[09:59.64]Why do parents allow their children to do that kind of thing?
[10:03.74]If you want to get something off your chest,just SHOUT_AT_US.COM!
[10:26.83]Is everything all right,sir?
[10:32.89]I'm afraid there's a fly in my soup.Oh,you're right.Is it dead?
[10:40.76]I don't care if it's dead or alive.Just take it away,please.
[10:47.31]and bring me some more-but without a fly!I'm very sorry,sir.
[10:54.16]2.Thank you.Ip change.I'm sorry,but I think I gave you a &20 note.
[11:02.70]No.I think it was a ten pound note.
[11:07.53]I'm sorry,but I think if you check.you'll see it was a twenty.
[11:13.57]You're absolutely right.Sorry about that.There you are.
[11:20.10]That's quite all right.Thank you.
[11:23.96]3.That's &49.99.sir.
[11:30.91]Wait a minute.Did you say &49?The label20 says &29.99.
[11:40.79]Mm.Let me see.You're absolutely right.but my screen says it's &49.99.
[11:48.94]There must be a mistake.Just a moment.I'll check...
[11:55.00]Yes.you're right.I'm very sorry.
[00:10.27]You are going to hear someone talking about a weekend away at a hotel.
[00:16.14]So,how was York,then?
[00:21.29]Oh,it was good,We had a great weekend,It's brilliant place to spend a few days.
[00:29.54]It's a shame about the hotel,though!
[00:33.80]Why?I thought you said you were going to be staying in the best place in town.
[00:40.18]Well,that's what the brochure1 said,yeah.
[00:44.93]And when we first got there,everything was great.
[00:50.18]The staff at check-in were lovely-really efficient.
[00:55.75]And our rooms were amazing-absolutely spotless.
[01:01.31]So what was wrong with the place,then?
[01:04.84]Well,before we went out for dinner on the Friday night.
[01:10.69]I wanted to have a shower.
[01:14.34]The trouble was,I hadn't brought any soap or shampoo or anything like that
[01:20.90]-and there were no free toiletries at all.Can you belive it?
[01:26.96]I thought that was standard in every hotel now.
[01:32.13]Anyway,I rang Reception and they said that the mind would bring me some up.
[01:39.40]Well.I waited for forty-five minutes and nothing arrived,
[01:45.46]and then,when I rang to ask what had happened to her,
[01:50.18]they old me she'd gone home!I couldn't believe it.
[01:55.83]In the end,I just decided2 to do without the shower and went out smelling a bit sweaty,
[02:02.88]which wasn't exactly romantic3!That all seems a bit odd,
[02:08.52]so.did you manage to get some toiletries the next day,then?
[02:13.88]Yeah,but I had to go and buy them myself in town,
[02:19.13]And then,the next morning,after breadfast in bed,which was nice,
[02:26.10]when I'd finally had my shower.
[02:30.65]I noticed there was something funny about the towels.
[02:35.79]Don't tell me!they were dirty?
[02:39.95]Exactly!They hadn't been changed since the person before.
[02:45.69]But that's disgusting4!So did you complain about it?
[02:51.36]Oh,yes-and I must say,they were very apologetic.
[02:57.11]I actually ended up feling sorry for the boy on the desk.
[03:02.28]I got pretty angry with him!
[03:06.12]So.apart from a couple of hiccups,then,was everything else all right?
[03:12.68]Well,yes and no.We couldn't believe how cheap the bar was
[03:19.16]almost half the price things are down in this part of the world-
[03:24.30]and the barman was fantastic-a really.really nice guy!
[03:30.47]So what are you complaining about?
[03:34.44]Well,we decided to eat in on the Saturday.
[03:39.69]They had this special Saturday dinner menu.and it looked very reasonable.
[03:45.93]There wasn't huge choice or anything,but it all looked quite interesting.
[03:52.28]Anyway,I had the salmon5 and Veronica had the steak.
[03:58.52]Well,you should have seen it when it came.
[04:03.38]She asked for it well done,
[04:07.33]but when it arrived,it was absolutely swimming in blood!
[04:12.79]She couldn't touch it.I thought she was going to be sick.
[04:18.35]So I called the waiter over and he took it away.
[04:23.60]And brought it back well done?
[04:27.36]Well,you could say that!It wasn't exactly well done.It was more well burnt!
[04:34.94]It was totally inedible6 -it was shocking,actually,I've never seen anything like it.
[04:42.49]So did Veronica complain?Well,that's the trouble.She did.
[04:48.24]And do you know what happened?
[04:52.08]The chef7 himself came out of the kitchen and told her she was ignorant
[04:58.55]and said he was wasting his time cooking for someone who didn't appreciate good food.
[05:05.82]Well.by this time.poor Veronica was in tears.
[05:11.69]All her make-up was running down her face and everything.It was awful!
[05:18.15]We just had to get out of there and escape.
[05:22.90]So I take it you won't be going back again,then?
[05:27.58]Too right!It's sad,really,though,because it was a lovely place.
[05:34.42]But there's no way it was worth &80 a night,what with all that hassle!
[05:41.08]1.While you read
[05:51.43]Shout_at_us.com-The website that helps you get things off your chest8!
[05:58.27]From Donna
[06:01.61]I can't understand people who invite you round to their house,but don't mean it
[06:09.08]They say:Oh.you must come round and have dinner some time.
[06:15.54]When you ask them when,they say:Oh,I'm very busy at the moment.
[06:22.98]When someone say to you:
[06:27.13]we must have lunch sometime,or we must get together,or go swimming.
[06:34.27]forget it.They never mean it!
[06:38.81]From Marie,ex-waitress
[06:43.96]I can't stand people who complain about the service in restaurants,
[06:50.41]I mean,don't they understand that waiters and waitresses get tired,
[06:57.18]worry about their credit9 card bills and have children who are causing them trouble.
[07:04.12]They are real people with emotions!they're not machines.
[07:10.47]From Mark Forbes
[07:14.83]I don't understand people who like country music,
[07:19.98]A typical song goes like this:I've lost my job.My girlfriend has left me.
[07:28.16]I'm an alcoholic10 and now my dog has died.
[07:33.72]I like music which makes me feel happy.Country music lovers11 are weird12.
[07:40.88]From Ron
[07:44.64]I hate the way society treats old people.
[07:50.39]We lock them away in old people's homes and forget about them.
[07:55.95]We feel guilty13 and visit them for an hour on a Sunday once a month.It's sick.
[08:03.50]From Shane
[08:07.76]Older drivers drive me mad.
[08:12.93]They drive around town doing ten miles an hour in huge old cars they can't park.
[08:21.29]Why don't we just take away their driving licences14 when they turn seventy?
[08:28.24]From Butch
[08:32.68]I'm a vegetarian15.When I tell people.they say,So you don't eat ANY meat?
[08:42.03]I'm patient with them and say,No.no.meat.
[08:48.09]They then drive me mad by asking,Not even chicken?
[08:54.65]Don't they realise16 that birds aren't vegetables!
[09:00.50]They've got flesh17 and blood just like you and me!
[09:05.54]From Jim G
[09:09.69]I can't stand people with body odour18.Nowadays shops are full of deodorants19.
[09:18.52]There's no excuse for B.O.
[09:23.57]From Sue
[09:27.72]I was in my local supermarket recently
[09:32.58]and saw a child taking a bite out of an apple.
[09:37.54]He then put the apple back so that his bite could not be seen.
[09:43.11]I told his mother.She told me to mind my own business.
[09:49.06]I then told one of the staff,who said there was nothing they could do about it.
[09:55.41]She said it happens all the time.
[09:59.64]Why do parents allow their children to do that kind of thing?
[10:03.74]If you want to get something off your chest,just SHOUT_AT_US.COM!
[10:26.83]Is everything all right,sir?
[10:32.89]I'm afraid there's a fly in my soup.Oh,you're right.Is it dead?
[10:40.76]I don't care if it's dead or alive.Just take it away,please.
[10:47.31]and bring me some more-but without a fly!I'm very sorry,sir.
[10:54.16]2.Thank you.Ip change.I'm sorry,but I think I gave you a &20 note.
[11:02.70]No.I think it was a ten pound note.
[11:07.53]I'm sorry,but I think if you check.you'll see it was a twenty.
[11:13.57]You're absolutely right.Sorry about that.There you are.
[11:20.10]That's quite all right.Thank you.
[11:23.96]3.That's &49.99.sir.
[11:30.91]Wait a minute.Did you say &49?The label20 says &29.99.
[11:40.79]Mm.Let me see.You're absolutely right.but my screen says it's &49.99.
[11:48.94]There must be a mistake.Just a moment.I'll check...
[11:55.00]Yes.you're right.I'm very sorry.

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n.假订本,小册子,小册 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj.浪漫的,风流的,传奇性的,夸大的,想象的,浪漫派的 | |
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adj.令人作呕的,可憎恶的,讨厌的 | |
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n.鲑,大马哈鱼,橙红色的 | |
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adj.不能吃的,不宜食用的 | |
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n.炊事员,厨师 | |
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n.胸,大箱子,金库,资金,一箱,密封室,衣橱 | |
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n.信用,荣誉,贷款,学分;v.归功于,赞颂,信任 | |
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adj.(含)酒精的,由酒精引起的;n.酗酒者 | |
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爱好者( lover的名词复数 ); 情人; 情夫; 情侣 | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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adj.犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的 | |
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n.许可( licence的名词复数 );许可证;放纵;放荡 | |
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n.素食者;adj.素食的 | |
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v.觉悟;明白;实现;兑现 | |
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n.肉;(供食用的)肉;果肉 | |
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n.气味,香气,风味,味道,声誉,名气 | |
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n.(尤指去除体臭的)除臭剂( deodorant的名词复数 ) | |
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n.卷标,标签,标记;称号,绰号;v.贴标签于,把…称为 | |
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