[00:02.90]Reading Page 64 and 65
[00:09.46]The Wonders of Dolphins
[00:13.90]1.Here's a true story.In June 1990, Keith,Steve and Dave, three friends,
[00:25.16]were fishing about 35 miles off the east coast of America when their boat sank
[00:34.22]They clung1 to the boat praying for rescue.
[00:39.26]The hours went by.Night came.
[00:44.72]2.'We had been thinking about sharks all night,'said Keith.
[00:50.99]'The next morning a really big fish approached.
[00:56.14]I asked Steve,"Do you know what that fish is?"He said it was a shark.
[01:03.90]But just then,suddenly there were dolphins all around us
[01:10.66]They pushed the shark,and drove it away.
[01:15.83]Steve said,"Tell them to go and get help,"so I said,"Hey, Flipper2,go get help
[01:25.19]and the dolphins all disappeared.
[01:28.95]Thirty minutes later they came back,bringing a coastguard boat with them.'
[01:35.71]3.The men were rescued
[01:38.87]The coastguards told them
[01:42.43]that the dolphins swam in front of the boat all the way until they located them
[01:49.58]Keith believes absolutely that God sent the dolphins to save him and his friends
[01:57.52]Others would say that the dolphins acted on their own,without divine3 orders
[02:04.79]Why they acted like this is a mystery to most people.
[02:10.43]4.The Ancient Greeks certainly believed that dolphins were very special
[02:17.09]They believed dolphins could think and act like humans,
[02:23.26]and had many stories of dolphins befriending young boys
[02:29.03]and saving sailors by towing4 them to the shore.
[02:34.88]In their days,the penalty5 for killing6 a dolphin was death.
[02:41.12]5.In modern times,we know a number of scientific facts about dolphins
[02:48.39]We know that they are mammals, not fish.
[02:52.83]They must come up to the surface to breathe air
[02:57.50]They can live to about 35 or 45.
[03:02.96]They are among the most intelligent animals in the world,
[03:08.53]with good memories,and can be trained to follow complicated sets of commands
[03:15.79]They use a system like sonar to locate objects,
[03:21.95]and they communicate with each other.
[03:26.03]6.One other feature of their behaviour is famous.
[03:30.78]They are the only wild animal that seeks out and befriends people,voluntarily
[03:38.33]In the past 50 years,there are perhaps a dozen or more examples
[03:45.59]of individual dolphins around the coasts of Europe,
[03:50.84]America and New Zealand which have regularly approached people
[03:57.82]and played games with them, and offered them 'unconditional7 love'.
[04:03.98]7.We have not repaid8 them well.
[04:08.24]Fishermen kill many thousands of dolphins each year.
[04:13.39]These days fishermen use nets described as'walls of death'.
[04:20.47]They vacuum all the fish from the sea.Only emptiness remains9.
[04:27.83]Although dolphins are not the intended prey,
[04:33.29]there is no chance that they can escape.
[04:37.55]8.One famous television series from 1962
[04:43.72]is also unintentional ly to blame for the suffering of many dolphins.
[04:50.35]In my boyhood,
[04:53.38]I remember watching the funny adventures of 'Flipper the dolphin
[04:58.81]and his friend Sandy.
[05:02.05]The cute dolphin show was so popular that people wanted to see real dolphins
[05:01.05]and as a result dolphinaria were built throughout America,
[05:00.05]and many more dolphins were captured and imprisoned10 inside them.
[04:59.05]9.In a few areas of the world,more enlightened11 people have discovered
[04:58.05]that dolphins have hidden powers to heal people with mental problems.
[04:57.05]Dr Horace Dobbs has introduced people with severe depression
[04:56.05]to wild dolphins in the sea.The people go without fear.
[04:55.05]The possibility that the dolphins might hurt them does not enter their minds
[04:54.05]The dolphins seem to understand,
[04:53.05]and look sympathetically into the eyes of the human patients,
[04:52.05]whose conditions almost always improve.
[04:51.05]People who have observed these experiments are very impressed with the results
[04:50.05]10.Some enthusiasts12 believe that dolphins have almost supernatural powers
[04:49.05]These people suggest that dolphins emit a wave of energy
[04:48.05]that goes around the Earth.
[04:47.05]They see the dolphins as magical creatures.
[04:46.05]This is perhaps too extreme for most people,
[04:45.05]but there is no doubt that they are wonderful animals,
[04:44.05]and we still have much to learn from them.
[04:42.05]Page 69 and 70
[04:41.05]Understanding directions
[04:40.05]Listen to the statement or short conversation.In the pause that follows
[04:39.05]mark your answer in the appropriate place.
[04:38.05]SPEAKINGPage 75
[04:37.05]A Saying words ending in a/l/sound[04:36.05]When you pronounce a word which ends in a/l/ sound,
[04:35.05]make sure that the tip of your tongue touches the top of your mouth
[04:34.05]just behind your teeth
[04:33.05]The air goes past one or both sides of your tongue.
[04:32.05]Do not use a/w/or a vowel13 sound instead of the final/l/sound.
[04:30.05]1.tell call
[04:29.05]pill bell
[04:28.05]fool oil
[04:27.05]full mile
[04:26.05]2.middle little
[04:25.05]final paddle
[04:24.05]whistle couple
[04:23.05]bottle apple
[04:21.05]3.beautiful awful
[04:18.05]1.Please call the hotel and tell them all about the trouble.
[04:17.05]2.In the final,the school will battle it out for the title.
[04:16.05]3.There's and awful little bug14 in the middle of this beautiful apple.
[04:15.05]4.In the mail,I got details of the sale of the jail.
[04:14.05]5.Tell me if you see the pale tail of an unwell whale.
[04:13.05]6.Jill and Phil sell daffodils in Brazil.
[04:12.05]7.It'll be illegal to kill eagles.
[04:11.05]8.The simple fool dropped his tools in a full pool.
[04:09.05]Page 79
[04:08.05]A Listening
[04:07.05]A1 Listen and choose the best answer to each question
[04:06.05]A2.Listen to the conversation,and write the labels on the map of the hotel.
[04:05.05]A3.Listen to the conversation,
[04:04.05]and correct the information by crossing out the wrong details
[04:03.05]and writing the new information above the line
[00:09.46]The Wonders of Dolphins
[00:13.90]1.Here's a true story.In June 1990, Keith,Steve and Dave, three friends,
[00:25.16]were fishing about 35 miles off the east coast of America when their boat sank
[00:34.22]They clung1 to the boat praying for rescue.
[00:39.26]The hours went by.Night came.
[00:44.72]2.'We had been thinking about sharks all night,'said Keith.
[00:50.99]'The next morning a really big fish approached.
[00:56.14]I asked Steve,"Do you know what that fish is?"He said it was a shark.
[01:03.90]But just then,suddenly there were dolphins all around us
[01:10.66]They pushed the shark,and drove it away.
[01:15.83]Steve said,"Tell them to go and get help,"so I said,"Hey, Flipper2,go get help
[01:25.19]and the dolphins all disappeared.
[01:28.95]Thirty minutes later they came back,bringing a coastguard boat with them.'
[01:35.71]3.The men were rescued
[01:38.87]The coastguards told them
[01:42.43]that the dolphins swam in front of the boat all the way until they located them
[01:49.58]Keith believes absolutely that God sent the dolphins to save him and his friends
[01:57.52]Others would say that the dolphins acted on their own,without divine3 orders
[02:04.79]Why they acted like this is a mystery to most people.
[02:10.43]4.The Ancient Greeks certainly believed that dolphins were very special
[02:17.09]They believed dolphins could think and act like humans,
[02:23.26]and had many stories of dolphins befriending young boys
[02:29.03]and saving sailors by towing4 them to the shore.
[02:34.88]In their days,the penalty5 for killing6 a dolphin was death.
[02:41.12]5.In modern times,we know a number of scientific facts about dolphins
[02:48.39]We know that they are mammals, not fish.
[02:52.83]They must come up to the surface to breathe air
[02:57.50]They can live to about 35 or 45.
[03:02.96]They are among the most intelligent animals in the world,
[03:08.53]with good memories,and can be trained to follow complicated sets of commands
[03:15.79]They use a system like sonar to locate objects,
[03:21.95]and they communicate with each other.
[03:26.03]6.One other feature of their behaviour is famous.
[03:30.78]They are the only wild animal that seeks out and befriends people,voluntarily
[03:38.33]In the past 50 years,there are perhaps a dozen or more examples
[03:45.59]of individual dolphins around the coasts of Europe,
[03:50.84]America and New Zealand which have regularly approached people
[03:57.82]and played games with them, and offered them 'unconditional7 love'.
[04:03.98]7.We have not repaid8 them well.
[04:08.24]Fishermen kill many thousands of dolphins each year.
[04:13.39]These days fishermen use nets described as'walls of death'.
[04:20.47]They vacuum all the fish from the sea.Only emptiness remains9.
[04:27.83]Although dolphins are not the intended prey,
[04:33.29]there is no chance that they can escape.
[04:37.55]8.One famous television series from 1962
[04:43.72]is also unintentional ly to blame for the suffering of many dolphins.
[04:50.35]In my boyhood,
[04:53.38]I remember watching the funny adventures of 'Flipper the dolphin
[04:58.81]and his friend Sandy.
[05:02.05]The cute dolphin show was so popular that people wanted to see real dolphins
[05:01.05]and as a result dolphinaria were built throughout America,
[05:00.05]and many more dolphins were captured and imprisoned10 inside them.
[04:59.05]9.In a few areas of the world,more enlightened11 people have discovered
[04:58.05]that dolphins have hidden powers to heal people with mental problems.
[04:57.05]Dr Horace Dobbs has introduced people with severe depression
[04:56.05]to wild dolphins in the sea.The people go without fear.
[04:55.05]The possibility that the dolphins might hurt them does not enter their minds
[04:54.05]The dolphins seem to understand,
[04:53.05]and look sympathetically into the eyes of the human patients,
[04:52.05]whose conditions almost always improve.
[04:51.05]People who have observed these experiments are very impressed with the results
[04:50.05]10.Some enthusiasts12 believe that dolphins have almost supernatural powers
[04:49.05]These people suggest that dolphins emit a wave of energy
[04:48.05]that goes around the Earth.
[04:47.05]They see the dolphins as magical creatures.
[04:46.05]This is perhaps too extreme for most people,
[04:45.05]but there is no doubt that they are wonderful animals,
[04:44.05]and we still have much to learn from them.
[04:42.05]Page 69 and 70
[04:41.05]Understanding directions
[04:40.05]Listen to the statement or short conversation.In the pause that follows
[04:39.05]mark your answer in the appropriate place.
[04:38.05]SPEAKINGPage 75
[04:37.05]A Saying words ending in a/l/sound[04:36.05]When you pronounce a word which ends in a/l/ sound,
[04:35.05]make sure that the tip of your tongue touches the top of your mouth
[04:34.05]just behind your teeth
[04:33.05]The air goes past one or both sides of your tongue.
[04:32.05]Do not use a/w/or a vowel13 sound instead of the final/l/sound.
[04:30.05]1.tell call
[04:29.05]pill bell
[04:28.05]fool oil
[04:27.05]full mile
[04:26.05]2.middle little
[04:25.05]final paddle
[04:24.05]whistle couple
[04:23.05]bottle apple
[04:21.05]3.beautiful awful
[04:18.05]1.Please call the hotel and tell them all about the trouble.
[04:17.05]2.In the final,the school will battle it out for the title.
[04:16.05]3.There's and awful little bug14 in the middle of this beautiful apple.
[04:15.05]4.In the mail,I got details of the sale of the jail.
[04:14.05]5.Tell me if you see the pale tail of an unwell whale.
[04:13.05]6.Jill and Phil sell daffodils in Brazil.
[04:12.05]7.It'll be illegal to kill eagles.
[04:11.05]8.The simple fool dropped his tools in a full pool.
[04:09.05]Page 79
[04:08.05]A Listening
[04:07.05]A1 Listen and choose the best answer to each question
[04:06.05]A2.Listen to the conversation,and write the labels on the map of the hotel.
[04:05.05]A3.Listen to the conversation,
[04:04.05]and correct the information by crossing out the wrong details
[04:03.05]and writing the new information above the line

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v.附着于( cling的过去式和过去分词 );抓紧或抱住;坚持;依恋,依附于 | |
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n. 鳍状肢,潜水用橡皮制鳍状肢 | |
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adj.神的,上帝的,神圣的,如神的,非凡的 | |
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v.拖,拉,拽( tow的现在分词 );拖带 | |
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n.处罚,刑罚,罚款 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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adj.无条件的,无限制的,绝对的 | |
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v. 偿还, 报答 vbl. 偿还, 报答 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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下狱,监禁( imprison的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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a.开明的,有知识的 | |
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n.热心人,热衷者( enthusiast的名词复数 ) | |
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n.元音;元音字母 | |
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n.虫子;故障;窃听器;vt.纠缠;装窃听器 | |
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